Chapter 13

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(hello readers I'm really sorry for not updating in like 2 months I was really busy but also had no motivation to update but now I have the motivation I hope you enjoy this chapter. Have a good day/Night!)

(Callahan's POV)

"didn't you hear me? I said stop being friends with Lex" Aisha said

"now stop being friends with her before I take matters into my own hands" she added with a smile

"you have until 6 pm to stop being friends with her if you don't I'll do it myself! The clock's ticking!" she said before walking away from me leaving me with my thoughts

I sat there confused not knowing what to do hours passed and I didn't realize 6 pm was already fast approaching

(Aisha's POV)

"tsk it seems my precious friend couldn't do it" I mutter with a sweet smile

I walk to where Lex was

"hey Lex can I talk to you?" I ask him with a sweet smile

(Alexandrite's POV)

I was sitting down on a chair reading when Aisha approached me

"Hey Lex can I talk to you?" she asks with a sweet smile

"oh uh sure" I reply

"what do you wanna talk about?" I ask

"uhm it pains me to say this but...." She trailed off with a sad expression

"but Callihan told me he didn't want to be friends anymore and he said to give you this" She said then she gave me a letter

My eyes widen in surprise with a bit of hurn and confusion why all of a sudden he wanted to stop being friends?

"why couldn't he just told me himself?" I ask skeptical

She was taken a back before she quickly regained composure

"he was so scared to face you so he appointed me to tell you give you this letter!" she explained with a smile

"well I've best be going now bye!" she said as she walked away leaving me alone to contemplate my thoughts

I open up the letter to read the contents off it

"Dear Lex,

I'm writing to let you know that our friendship is over. Frankly, I can't stand being around you anymore. Your constant negativity, selfishness, and gossiping have become unbearable.

I don't need toxic people in my life, so I'm cutting ties with you for good. Please don't contact me again.



(Callahan's POV)

Aisha approved me with a smile

"it's 5 pm now your already too late. You are no longer friends with Lex! Look he even gave me a letter for you!"

She said then she took out a letter then handed it to me

"it's a shame if you just stop being friends with him you guys could've ended in good terms but you didn't thats on you Cal!" she said with smile

I looked at the letter in my hand and back at her

"why couldn't he just give it to me on his own?" I ask not believing her

"oh he hates you so much now he couldn't bare to look at you!" she said giggle a little

"well goodbye my dear friend!" she said as she walked away

I looked at the letter hurt as I open to read it

Dear Callahan,

I cannot pretend any longer. Your constant need for attention, vapid conversations, and shallow attempts at humor make you unbearable. I regret wasting my time with someone so intellectually deficient as you. Consider this a formal declaration: I am severing all ties with you. You are nothing more than an insignificant blip in my life-a blip I'm more than happy to erase.


I stood there with tears in my eyes as I drop the letter

"I guess that's what he truly felt about me" I mutter as I cry

(Alexandrite's POV)

I look at the letter with anger and sadness as I throw it across the room as I storm out

I bumped into Leon as he stared at me and the letter that I threw

He held my hand to prevent me from leaving as he took the letter

"may I read this to find out what is troubling you?" He asks politely

"do whatever you want" I say trying to get out of his grasp

He nodded as he uncrupled the letter as he read it his previously emotionless face turned into anger

I manage to get out of his grasp as I ran out the cottage we were staying at when I bumped into a boy causing me to fall I looked up he looked about the same age as me and also had fiery orange hair and coal-black eyes

I manage to get out of his grasp as I ran out the cottage we were staying at when I bumped into a boy causing me to fall I looked up he looked about the same age as me and also had fiery orange hair and coal-black eyes

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"are you ok?" he ask with a smile as he helped me up

"oh I'm ok I'm sorry" I say

Then Leon comes running at me then he bumps onto me

"there you are! I've been looking for you!" he said

Then a look of recognition flashed in his eyes

"I know you both! Your both are the missing noble kids in the posters!" he says as he took out a poster of me and Leon

"come with me! I'll deliver you both to your parents!" he says with a smile

"and why should we trust you?!" Leon asked defensively

"I promise I'm not lying!" he promises

"Leon I think we can give him the benefit of the doubt" I suggested to Leon

"fine but if you do any funny business I will freeze you!" Leon said glaring at the boy

The boy gulp then nodded as he motioned him to follow him

we walking to the knight station

"so what's your name?" I ask the boy who was leading us to the knight station

"oh my name is Zena!" he says with a smile

Then we arrive in the knight station

"well goodbye!" he says as he leaves us alone in the knight station

A couple of hours pass by then My parents finally arrive with Leon's parents

I run to my parents with a smile then I hug my dad tightly as he hug back then the duchess hugged me

To be continued

Word count: 1027

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