Chapter 10 Meeting A Strange Lady And Meeting The Heroine And The 3rd Male lead

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(a/n I can't believe I manage to make this chapter and make it with 1000+ chapter well I made this so if someone actually reads this thanks for reading! I'm very surprised that someone really reads this and I'm also very happy I hope you like this chapter! And have good day/night)

I follow dad to the dining room as I saw the duchess sitting down and waiting for us at the dinner table dad smiled as he sat down across the duchess motioning me to an empty see next to him smiling as I went to that seat and sat down as we started eating

"Ria darling is the food to your liking?" the duchess ask

"it's delicious!" I reply eating

"oh that's good to hear! So how was the lesson with Vincent?" she ask

"it was ok" I reply eating the last bit of my plate "may I be excused?" I ask as dad nodded

"Of course Ria darling you may be excused" the duchess said then I walked to my room

I went to change into a white ruffled shirt with black pants and tied my hair into a ponytail

Then I went to the garden that was close to the forest

As I stood there in the garden, I suddenly felt a rush of power coursing through my veins. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, and when he opened them again, I saw that the plants and trees around me had started to sway and dance to an unheard rhythm.

I stretched out my hand and a gust of wind blew through the trees, sending leaves and twigs flying everywhere. Then I focused his energy on a nearby pond, and the water started to ripple and surge. Soon, small waves turned into larger ones, and the water began to overflow from the banks.

Amazed by my newfound abilities, I decided to experiment a bit more. I reached out to a nearby tree and focused his energy on it, watching as it began to grow at an incredible rate. Within seconds, it had shot up to twice its original height, its branches reaching towards the sky.

Just as I was reveling in his power, he heard a rustling in the bushes behind him. I spun around to face the source of the noise and saw a shadowy figure emerge from the undergrowth.

But before I could react, the figure stepped out into the open and revealed itself to be a woman - a woman with a strange, almost otherworldly beauty. She smiled at me, and I felt a shiver run down his spine.

"Who are you?" I asked, trying to hide the fear in my voice.

The woman took a step closer and said, "My name is Gaia. And I've been watching you, Alexandria or should I say Alexandrite?. Watching you use your powers."

I backed away slowly, unsure of what to do and how did she know my real name?"What do you want from me?"

Gaia's smile grew wider, and she said, "I want to help you, Alex can I call you that? Your name is just so long. I want to teach you how to control your powers. But it is to early when you're ready I will be here to help teach you."

And with that, Gaia turned and disappeared into the woods, leaving ne standing alone, in confusion and curiosity.

"maybe I should go on a walk to the woods to clear my mind" I thought as I turn to go to the forest

As I ran through the forest, I felt a connection to the trees and the wildlife around me.

I looked around, and the trees seemed to be whispering to him, as if asking for my help.

Without hesitation, I closed my eyes and focused on my power. The energy flowed through my body, and I felt the earth beneath my feet tremble. The trees started to sway, and the wind grew stronger. In a matter of moments, the forest came alive.

As I opened his eyes, I saw the source of the disturbance. A group of hunters had entered the forest, and they were chasing after a majestic stag. I knew I had to act fast to protect the balance of nature.

With a wave of my hand, the wind picked up and knocked the hunters off their feet. Then, I summoned a torrent of water from the nearby river, creating a moat that surrounded the stag. The hunters were trapped, and the stag was safe.

But as I turned to leave, he heard a voice behind him. "Well, well, well, what do we have here? It's the precious daughter of the Duke and duchess!" It was the leader of the hunters, and he had a sinister look in his eyes.

I knew I was in trouble. My power could only do so much against armed hunters. I braced himself for a fight, but before he could react, the leader pulled out a strange device and pointed it at me.

"I'll make so much money because of you" I heard him say before Everything went black.
Then I woke up tied up very tightly with a rag in my mouth preventing me from talking and I was also in a moving carriage there was also two more kids and they look about the same age as me. A girl and a boy. the girl had sun like blonde hair and I couldn't see her eyes because she was asleep then the boy had snow like white hair and like the girl I also couldn't see his eyes because he was also asleep then they both started to wake up and when I saw both of they're eyes I froze it was the HEROINE!! and THE 3RD MALE LEAD!! then the 3rd male lead looked at the heroine and said "who are you? Were you also kidnapped like me?" he asked "yeah I was also kidnapped" she answered shivering in fear "don't be scared I'll protect you!" he said as he gave his coat to the heroine I looked at them as they talked not noticing me "I'm invisible, I'm invisible" I chanted in my mind over and over again hoping they won't notice me then the 3rd male lead noticed me as I froze in fear "and who are you?" he asked my eyes start to blurry as everything went black "and who are you" the last thing I heard before I pass out in shock.

To be continued.

Word count:1095

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