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The times I notice my nails are painfully sharp

Are always also the times I notice 

I feel like shit.

They're cut now,


Peeling blue paint,

But the memory of scratches is still sharp on my stomach,

My jaw,

My arm.

False memories.

I ne'er drew blood,

I did,

Yet the sting does not lessen,

The pain does not ease,

The one bright spark in a blanket of dull,


Does it keep me alive? -

Does pain keep me alive?

I pray, I pray,

I pray for salvation from a silent god,

Gods above and below I pray to them

Them who do not exist in my head and do not in yours.

So I pray,

Empty prayers from the unbeliever

Uttered into a void.

The prayers stare back at me


They do not believe me either.

They do not believe in me either.

Once upon a time there was a curious child;

That child was not me.

Science taught me the world created itself


I did not question then and I do not question now.

Bang bang

The world created itself

Will maybe fold in on itself

Gone again.

Gone again,

Created again,

The Buddha's infinite cycle

(A joke).


He got me, He did,

Shoved me down the heavenly stairs and really said

Good luck!

Buena suerte, He said,

Bonne chance,

Bonne voyage,

What a load of bull.

Bulldozed fields crushed

By the clouds

By feathers

Feathers that will never fly again.

Crushed fields.


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