Chapter 5

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The first week at school flies by pretty fast. New classes are what I expected them to be, new teachers are what I heard they would be and new classmates are what I hoped them not to be - a mass of grey characters with grey faces starting boring conversations with bad jokes. What's different this first week at school is one face that's not so grey. I have an automated scanner for this face – I'm aware if it's in the room, I'm aware where it is in the room, I'm aware if it's not in the room, all that without looking directly at it. I know when it'll be here if it's coming or why it won't be here if it's not, all that without asking. This feeling of continuous presence is something like the one when you're wearing braces – you're not thinking about it all the time, but you sense the pinching constantly.

So this face's owner texted me yesterday, sending his address and confirming our study date at 4 p.m. today. My heart skipped a beat when I saw the expected message at the expected time. The same reaction was created by his every look or nod this week and his 'hi' would make my cheeks really warm.

I hope Annie will let me off the hook because of my later engagement today, but she insists on the previously scheduled shopping bonanza, 'especially under these new circumstances', as she puts it. So, here I am at the mall on a Saturday morning, the sacred time reserved only for sleeping and resting. My mom offers to drop me by, so I at least don't spend energy on public transportation.

The Plaza is the largest mall in a hundred mile radius and I'm tired the moment I scan its huge draughty halls I'll be obliged to examine store by store later. Annie's coming in a minute, accompanied by equally enthusiastic Taylor, who's here mostly for socializing. By the look of her, you can tell this girl is not a fashionista. Her chubby figure is always covered by monochromatic baggy items, unlike Annie's, who likes to bring her curves to attention 'because why wouldn't she, since they were given to her by nature...and McDonald's.'

'So,' Annie's warming up, 'where do we start?'

'At the movies, I hope,' I huff.

'No, Bianca, first we have to make you hot. You get to watch the movie later.' Nobody argues this.

'Okay, Annie, whatever you planned to do, just make it quick, you know I can't stand the crowd.'

'I suggest we go shopping for clothes and makeup first. Then we can grab a bite and after that we can go to the hairdresser's.'

'What?' I disapprove, 'I'm not getting out of here coiffured!'

Taylor is reading between the lines even though she didn't get the full explanation for Annie's today's exhilaration. 'Ah, that study date with Ted is today, right?' She's using air quotes. 'Now I see.'

I roll my eyes. 'Annie's making a mountain out of a molehill. She's bored with her own life, so she's trying to meddle in mine.'

'Come again, come again,' Annie heard me from the inside of a department store and she's coming back, probably to smack me. 'We'll settle accounts later. Now get in here.' She's pulling me inside with her. Taylor is following us, looking around for stuff. 'So, do you wanna be a bunny, a beauty queen or a sexy kitten?' Annie asks.

Taylor bursts into laughter. 'I'd say a kitten with claws suits her best.'

'I didn't forget about you, Taylor, just so you know. Your turn is coming soon.' Annie's yelling from the underwear department.

'Don't you think it's a little early for a lacy bra in a relationship?'

'It's never too early for a lacy bra. Just think Scarlett O'Hara.'

'I don't remember anybody mentioning bras in Gone with a Wind,' I'm teasing her.

'You know what I mean, don't play dumb.'

Of course I know what she means. I watched the movie to many times to forget.

'If Scarlett could wear too many petticoats just to feel more confident, you can put up with a lacy bra then. Try these on.' She comes back with a pile of clothes, mostly summer shirts and skirts, all fluffy and colorful.

'This is so not me!'

'That's the point!' she's going back to hunt for more clothes.

Taylor pats me on the back as a support.

'With a friend like this I don't need enemies!' I say under my breath.

'I heard it!'


So, I accept a few of Annie's suggestions and I now own some new items. They're pretty basic, nothing showy, only more ...noticeable than the things I usually wear. I especially like those double-breasted high-waist pants (the technical term that Annie proudly quoted) and a simple long sleeve shirt that I'm allegedly supposed to tuck into those pants. As long as it's simple...

Annie doesn't give up easily and she drags us to the makeup department next. She wants to get us all a professional do-over, but I don't wanna hear about it.

'But we're here for you!' Annie's exasperated.

'I'm going over to Ted's with my face only. No discussion.'

'Okay,' she huffs after she realizes how decisive I am. 'But please watch carefully, I'll make you try this at home some day this week!'

'Aha,' I'm glad to postpone the whole thing.

The girl at the counter is cheerful and super friendly, like this is the best day of her life. I'd like to see her energy level in the afternoon, after she's slaved all day without even a stool to rest on, (because it's so not cool for an employee to sit on a stool in a fancy store, we all know that).

She prepares Taylor's face for makeup and then she starts to work her magic. I must say I'm amazed at the skills she demonstrates and the results they leave behind. Taylor is a very beautiful girl without makeup too and she never does anything to embellish her appearance. After a session with, Taylor is an exceptional beauty I'll never look at the same way again. She's like Taylor with superpowers.

'Wow,' Annie and I scream in unison after she's done.

'Did you see what she did with her eyes? Wow...' Annie's ecstatic.

'It's called blending.' She pronounces it like b-l-e-n-d-i-n-g. Besides a proven expertise in makeup technique, as a professional, she is also able to asses a customer's level of ignorance. 'It's your turn,' she offers a chair to Annie. 'Here's a mirror, so you can watch what I'm doing.'

I must admit that I'm not as indifferent any more. If this girl manages to transform Annie the way she did Taylor, I'm coming here every day before school.

'It's not difficult, you see, you take this brush...' we all stare without batting an eye. 'And then you just blend.' There's the magic word again.

In ten minutes or so we have another beauty. Annie's making funny faces like she's posing for a photo shoot, but in a parody. 'Are you sure you don't wanna try it, Bianca?'

'Next time, I promise.'

I join them in a store tour while the magic girl is showing the products she used, giving us additional info. We get out of there with small fancy bags filled with products we didn't know we needed. I get myself a nude lipstick and a couple of eye shadows and brushes.

'You heard it girls, blending is the key!' Taylor is joking, but not really.

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