Chapter 28

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Last night Ted Anderson...

I can't even think it out loud. There are no words for that in a nerdy teenager's vocabulary, only pictures. And what pictures those were...I blush at a sole thought of Ted's lips all over my body. But I'll have to find some words eventually, not only because I was taking part in the actions they describe, but also, to fill my best friend in on the details she's gonna press me for anyways. Considering the interest she usually takes in my emotional life, this is gonna be like a sequel to 90210 for her. I don't mind, though. Describing the whole event to a friend feels similar to living it all over again, so the more details, the better.

I'm on the way to her house right now. I figured, since I already lied to my parents about staying at her place last night, I better drop by and get some material for the lies I'm still about to tell when I get home. I'm really bad at lying, so I'll need all the help I can get.

The morning is unexpectedly warm and sunny, very much matching my mood. Since the moment I left Ted's house after at least thirty minutes of kissing and making out, I've been feeling and acting giddy to the point of embarrassment. Yes, I'm pretty sure I waved to the bus driver and winked at the old lady sitting behind him, just because I felt like it! They both gave me questioning looks, obviously attributing my silly behavior to alcohol. What else are they supposed to think on January 1?

As I approach Annie's house tying to evade as many puddles of melted snow as I can and keep my feet dry, I see her grinning face poking out of the door and I can't help tittering myself.

'Get in, you, sinner!' she growls, shoving me inside.

Before I know it, I'm dragged into her room which is, surprisingly, decorated for the occasion, although otherwise messy, with things scattered everywhere. Her laptop is on, with some cheesy rom com paused on the screen. I go straight to the window and open it to let some fresh air inside.

'You live like a mole in here. There must be cockroaches under the mattress.'

'Yeah, yeah, I'm a slob. Don't make up excuses, you sit down and talk, young lady!'

I flop into a chair, exhausted from the walk and all the thoughts racing through my head. Annie hugs a huge bowl of ice cream and offers me a clean spoon.

'What's with the ice cream?' I ask, rejecting the offer. I couldn't possibly keep anything down right now. 'Did you and Noah break up?'

Annie pulls a funny face as she's trying to catch a drop falling from the spoon back into the bowl. 'Noo...I don't know...I don't remember...' She bursts into laughter, spraying the ice cream all around.

'Ew!' I get a tissue from my bag and start wiping her spit off my shirt.

'Sorry, I'm such a pig.'

'I can't argue that!'

'So, what do you remember? I ask when I'm done rubbing the shirt.

'Hmm, I just know he walked me home and said we'll talk tomorrow.'

'So has he called yet?'

'No. But I know he's at a family brunch. That I remember from know.'

'The intoxication?'

'Hah, that's a nice way to put it. Very technical.'

I'm watching her play with the spoon like a kid. Regular Annie is such a comedian. Hung over Annie is hilarious!

'It was weird watching you last night. Like that...'

Annie fidgets on her bed and leaves the bowl aside.

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