January 8th, 1941 (11PM)

17 0 3

His footsteps reverberated through the alleyway, echoing through his skull. Blood pounded in his ears, drowning any rational thought with an overwhelming need to escape. Beads of sweat fell down his face, dirt sticking to the wet trails it left behind.
He had to survive. To get into town and to the police station-!

His breath caught in his throat as he flew forward, a foot in his back. As he hit the ground, he could feel a crushing body weight against him.
He wheezed and let out a loud cough, his whole body shaking.

"Well! Look what the cat dragged in!.. A RAT!!" Came a high, raspy voice.. not from on top of him, but in front of him.
Quickly, he looked up, his eyes landing on a woman with tied-back, black hair. Blonde bangs were left to frame either side of her face, as well as make her instantly recognizable. She was holding a long, metal pole at her side.
He looked over his shoulder next, his breathing quickening.
A large, muscular man stood over him. His eyes narrowed. Much like the woman, his silvery hair was tied back. He wore dangly, bedazzled earrings, and a few jumbo rings on each hand.

"Murata! 'M over here!" The woman snapped, walking forward. She stopped a little ways away, huffing slightly. "Tengen, get offa him, would ya?" She said to the man.
He did as he was told, stepping to the side with a small grin.
"I was just playin', Makio."

"Yeah, well ya 'playin'' coulda collapsed his lungs!" She pointed back at Murata, who was still on the ground, dazed.

"I wasn't on him that much!" Tengen slid a few of his rings down on his fingers, examining his nails afterwards. "Besides, the big man should be here any second now! It was only a matter of time."
Murata shot up suddenly, gasping for air as he did. He broke into a fit of coughs a little moment after, tears prickling at the corners of his eyes.
Makio tsked and shook her head slowly. "Poor fella." She sighed.
He coughed a few seconds longer, kneeling over with his hand over his chest. It felt like he'd swallowed fire..
Tengen reached over, grabbing the back of his collar and yanking him up on his feet. "You're fine. Don't be a baby."

Murata's glare snapped over at him and he reached into his jacket, pulling a small handgun from his side and holding it up.
Tengen let him go and backed away quickly. "Whoa, buddy! Calm yourself down-" He snorted.
Makio blinked and held up her pole, getting into an offensive stance.

"DON'T MOVE!" Murata shouted, his voice hoarse. "MOVE, AND I'LL SHOOT!"

Makio and Tengen both shared a glance before raising a brow. Their expressions mirrored each other. They looked doubtful.
Then, Makio's face lit up. She looked passed Murata and waved. "Ooh! Hey there, Obanai!" She greeted rather casually.
Murata paused and whirled around, locking eyes with the shorter individual. They stared at him blankly.
Gods, he hadn't even heard them! The only noise that ever indicated their presence was that snake of theirs. White as snow with beady, red eyes. It emitted low, nearly soundless hisses.
Murata squeezed his eyes shut and fired his gun. He wasn't sure where it was aimed, but he prayed it hit. He heard his shot ring out, then the jingle of beaded bracelets.
When he snapped open his eyes, Obanai was face-to-face with him, their hand squeezing his wrist tightly. They pulled him forward and jutted their elbow right into his throat.
The grip on his gun slipped and he let out a yelp, falling onto his face when Obanai let him go and stepped to the side. They looked back at him insignificantly, their eyes narrowed.

"Damn. That must suck." Tengen tilted his head a bit, a smile playing on his lips.
Makio let out a loud cackle, clapping her hands as she did. Murata's face had slammed down SO HARD! The smack ECHOED.
Obanai shook out their hands, the bracelets on their arms clinging together as they did. Slowly, they looked towards the other two, a hint of exasperation in their expression. They seemed tired.
Tengen walked over, nodding to them before looking at Murata. He wasn't moving any longer, so hopefully he'd stay down until 'the big man' came.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2023 ⏰

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