Chapter 1 - Margaret is found

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Natasha, and Yelena were on a mission to destroy the red room, when they were nearing the end of the mission, they encountered this 14 year old girl. Nat approached the girl, who yelled in Russian "NO stay away from me," The girl was clearly scared, so Nat spoke soothingly to her, "it's okay, we're here to help you." The girl eased up a bit, and Nat led her back to the quinjet, and on the way back, called to inform the others they had a 14 year old girl. Once back at the compound, the team was waiting, and when the girl saw them, she clung to Nat. Eventually the girl opened up, and started speaking in Russian, "Hello my name is Maggie," Nat acted as a translater, and introduced the team to her.When Rhodey found out Nat, and Steve were adopting a 14 year old girl from Russia, he did everything in his power to help Nat, and Steve adopt her. However it was difficult as she was already in the states, and a older child. They had to fight for custody, and eventually they won, and Maggie was officially a Roman-Rogers, Then Nat, and Steve looked into a homeschool curriculum for her, and Nat immediately began teaching her English. It wasn't easy as Maggie preferred Russian. Over time Maggie gave in, and learned English. Then Nat was able to get her to her appropriate grade level, and they continued from there. One morning Maggie woke up, and went to her parents room, "mommy," "yes honey," Nat responded, "I have a question," "Okay sweeetheart what is it," If I tell you things will you hit me?" Nat knew why she was asking this, she hugged her tightly, ''no sweetheart we won't hit you," She looked more closely, and Maggie was looking pale. "Oh honey, are you feeling sick," Maggie began to cry and nodded, Nat held her to calm her down, laid her in the bed, and went downstairs to tell Steve that Maggie was ill. Bruce offered to look at her, telling them they could stay with her, they agreed, and Steve went down to the lab with Bruce, while Nat went upstairs to get Maggie. "Maggie sweetheart, we'regoing to see the doctor, alright," Maggie protested, "no, no, I don't want to," "Shshshshshshsshhshsh, it's alright sweetheart," Nat soothed. Nat picked Maggie up, and carried a crying Maggie to the lab, once there Maggie saw Steve, and Bruce. She was still crying, and Nat laid her in the bed, and Bruce started looking her over. He found nothing, and Nat remembered that she'd said she wasn't in the Red Room that long. With that in mind Nat took her to the bathroom, and had her take her pants off, and sit on the toilet. Nat's suspicion was correct, she got Maggie new underwear, and pants, and explained what was happening to her body. Maggie felt better, and admitted to knowing she was 'bleeding down there,' but was scared to say something. "Honey you don't need to be scared anymore alright," Nat hugged her, then took her down to the others, and told them she started her period. Then Maggie went, and curled up on the couch, Yelena noticed, and went over. Speaking in Russian, Yelena asked her, "are you embarrassed," Maggie replied, "no I'm just tired," Yelena got a pillow, and Blanket, and settled Maggie on the couch. When Maggie woke up, Steve, Nat, and the team were talking about school. Maggie got up off the couch, and walked over to Nat, "hey sweetheart how was your nap," "good," Maggie replied.

Margaret (Maggie) Rose Roman-Rogers (Steve's and Nat's Daughter)   Where stories live. Discover now