Chapter 2 - Maggie opens up

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The next day, Maggie sat down to do school, she had a laptop that was given to her by her biological mom, and dad. Nat, and Steve had noticed that she always used the laptop. "Sweetie," Steve said, "Yes pappa," "Why are you always using the laptop, what are you hiding from us?" Maggie looked at him, she noticed the whole team was there, taking a deep breathe she said, "I always use a laptop because I have Dyslexia, and dysgraphia." The team was quiet, then Nat spoke, "honey, why didn't you say something sooner, we could've helped you with those areas." Maggie looked down, Nat sensed something was wrong, before she could say anything Maggie ran from the room. Steve had followed her, and he was sitting on her bed, while she cried at her desk in her room. Steve started talking, "honey I know it''s hard for you right now, but we are all here to help you," Maggie stood up, and sat down next to him, he put his arm around her. She sighed, "I know it's just......well before I got taken, I was the oldest of 8 kids, we were all sitting down one day, and there was a loud knock at the door, I got up to answer it, then I got taken, and I was super scared." Steve knew there was more but didn't push it, he went downstairs, and sent Nat up, telling her what Maggie told him. When Nat entered Maggie's room, she was drawing at her desk, "Maggie," "hmmm," Maggie looked up, "oh hey mom," Nat sat on Maggie's bed, "Maggie why didn't you tell us sooner?" Maggie put her drawing away, "I didn't feel ready," Nat told her, "We can help you with the fear you're expierencing.'' "I know's just......well I'm scared of needles," Maggie replied, Nat hugged her, then she remembered something, in Russia, before they left, she had a doctors appointment, and they gave her 2 needles, and she had clung to Yelena scared. She took Maggie downstairs, and spoke to Bruce seperately, about Maggie's fear of needles. When she returned Maggie was talking to Wanda, and Carol, "How old are you," Wanda asked, "14," Maggie replied, Carol asked, "When's your birthday," Maggie replied, "I was supposed to be born on May 15th, but I was a week late. So I was born the 22nd of May." Carol, and Wanda looked at each other, the rest of the team had heard. Maggie started getting uncomfortable, Steve noticed, ''it's alright honey," he goes over to her. Maggie feels better, then realizes the date, "My birthday's tomorrow." Everyone smiles, Nat goes over, and kisses her head, "my baby girl will be 15 tomorrow." Then she realized, she would have to have her 15 year exam. She got scared, Nat noticed, "what's the matter with my baby," "Mamma I don't want any needles tomorrow." Nat hugged her, and Bruce said, "We could do the Exam now, or the day after.," Nat answered, "She'd rather get it out of the way." She went to the lab with Maggie, she put Maggie on the table, Bruce started the exam, when he got to the needles, Maggie flipped out, Nat held her as Bruce administered the 6 needles, she started screaming, Nat felt bad, but knew it was to help her. When it was over, Maggie ran upstairs, and threw herself on Yelena, Yelena calmed her down, and speaking russian to her, explained the reason for vaccines. Maggie understood, and she went over to nat, and speaking Russian, appologized for screaming.

Margaret (Maggie) Rose Roman-Rogers (Steve's and Nat's Daughter)   Where stories live. Discover now