Chapter 10: Grand Paradisal

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                   Later, the same morning, Lisa, Holly, Katrina and their friends have left the hill and went to their next destination after leaving Greenpunkville. Leah looked pretty surprised that she saw the 25th century for the first time. Maureen cleaned the lenses of her glasses before putting them back on. The girls are almost on their way to Shrunkopolis in order to save Simon, Kathy and Delphine. They saw a sign saying: "Grand Paradisal, 24 km" and went towards a curve on the right. And one hour later, they found themselves in the city of Cyberparadism known as Grand Paradisal, a city with buildings of geometric shapes. The most capital structure of the land is the cyan pyramid, different from actual pyramids in deserts. Lisa, Holly and their friends looked pretty shocked and awestruck as they got out of the hover car.

"Look at this place! Grand Paradisal!" Holly exclaimed.

"Look at those buildngs!" said Lisa.

"They look geometric!" said Ian.

"That's right, little brother," said Katrina, "We have to find a computer to discover our parents' whereabouts."

"A computer? Where is it?"

"I'm gonna use the computer to take photos of myself!" Verena exclaimed.

"Verena, please!" Nikki elbowed her.

"Lisa, Holly, tell me, who are they?" Leah asked.

"The Symbristers, Leah," stated Lisa, "They want to capture Katrina and her friends after they captured the Deering couple." She continued as she and her friends started to walk, "The Symbristers are a group of stalkers who are chasing us."

They started to walk on the streets of Grand Paradisal in order to find a computer. They realized that the city is inhabited by people who wear Cyberparadism clothes, rather than cyberpunk. The girls and their friends looked around for a building and wondered where the computer would be. They saw many hovercars passing by before the light turned red, allowing the group to go to the other side of the street. Lisa, Holly and Katrina looked around as they saw many people. Theo saw a man walking with his dog and greeted him as a compliment before continuing. Ian and Maddy walked carefully before seeing a boy being beaten by a bully in a local alley. Gulping nervously, the redhead and the young boy looked at each other with worry as they decided not to see the violent scene. Afterwards, the girls and their friends saw a skyscraper in the shape of a cone.

"A skyscraper in Grand Paradisal?" Holly asked.

"That skyscraper is so phat!" said Portia, "It looks so cool!"

"Break your silence if you would, guys. I hope that-" Maureen gasped in shock as she saw the Symbristers, "They're here!"

"Hurry, hurry!" Katrina shoved her friends inside the tall building. They all looked around as she and her friends splitted themselves up as she shoved Lisa, Holly, Orson and Lauryn in a elevator, "Ian, meet us in the sixth floor!"

"OK!" Ian nodded as he talked to his friends, "Let's go to the sixth floor! Follow me!"

"What about Holly and Lisa?" Leah asked before Rita dragged her, "Whoa!"

The Symbristers went inside the building and noticed that they went to the elevator and used the stairs in order to avoid capture, "I'll go after them! Upstairs!" said Symtria as she went upstairs. However, Sharon, with a trick in her sleeve dropped a pot of baby food on the floor while being carried by Hailey. With her teeth clenching, Symtria went after them, only to slip on the baby food and ended up falling on top of Syntheria and Synplitia.

"Nice one, Sharon!" Hailey complimented her.

"We're gonna need more Symbristers!" said Symia.

On the sixth floor, Lisa, Holly, Katrina, Orson and Lauryn found themselves in the upper floor and saw a room where the computer is seen and a window where the view of the city is seen. They went to the right as Ian, Maddy, Hailey, Vivian, Sharon, Sophia, Leah, Sherry, Maureen, Nikki, Verena, Bailey, Portia, Rita, Dana, Theo and Mallory followed them. The Symbristers, along with the rest of other Symbristers, saw them going to a room and went after them, only to bump face first into a door as Sherry closed the door tightly, with Maddy helping her.

"Whatever you do, do something on the computer!" She said.

"That computer is the one heck of a futuristic machine!" said Katrina.

"I'll start with the words!" Holly started to type: "Shrunkopolis" on the keyboard and pressed enter. When she saw it, she looked surprised and shocked that Shrunkopolis is located on Tennesstron and the residents are small after being shrunk, "Shrunkopolis!"

"Mom and Dad are in that miniature park!" Katrina exclaimed.

The Symbristers kept hitting the door in order to get inside the room. When Suddenly...


The door slammed Sherry as she came out, with cherries circling around her head. Maddy didn't have any choice, but to slap the redhead teenage girl on the face to snap her out of it.

"You all aren't going anywhere!" said Symia.

"Oh, yes, we can!" Katrina pulled out a frying pan from her pocket and whacked her on the face, stunning her before winking her eye.

Seeing this, Lisa and Holly nodded in determination and pulled out two rolling pins while Orson, Lauryn, Portia, and the others pulled out their weapons consisting of rolling pins, soda cans, a baby rattle, boomerangs, robotic baseball bats, spray paints, robotic tennis rackets and golf clubs. They began beating the Symbristers and the group with their comical weapons and whacked them easily. Theo began biting a Symbrister by the leg and started to attack her by ripping her clothes. Portia shook her spray paint and began spraying a Symbrister with it before giving one to Leah, who winked her left eye before spraying another Symbrister. Syntheria was about to strangle Portia, only to punch her on the face and sprayed her face to look like that she was bleeding before blowing the red smoke from the tip of her spray paint.

"You got hit by this girl. And who are ya, you say? It's Portia P, dawg!" Portia smiled.

"Way to go, Port!" Holly complimented her.

"Atta girl!" said Lisa and Nikki.

Later, Lisa, Holly, Katrina and their friends have left Grand Paradisal after discovering the location of where Simon and Kathy were held in Shrunkopolis. Portia is bragging how she used her spray paints to spray the Symbrister, "Syntheria was about to strangle my neck and I said: "I'mma gonna attack you with my spray paints, nuthead!" And then, I sprayed her with red paint. Not bad for a porcelain doll, right?"

"Powtia!" said Sharon, "De Be Ba Bo!"

"That was so cool, girl!" said Holly as she giggled.

"Ow....That was so painful. I almost lost my memory, Orson," said Sherry as she drank water to recover herself after being slammed.

"Easy, Sherry. You're feeling fine after you were hit by that door on that skyscraper," Orson reassured as he drove his hovercar and sighed, "We gotta go to Shrunkopolis."

"Hey, Ian! What do you call those things?" Maddy asked.

"Those are boomerangs, Maddy," Ian replied.

"Oh, right...Ha! Got you!"


"Nah! I was just kidding, boy!" Maddy laughed as the hover car kept driving.

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