Dr. Romano Joins ACME

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"So in closing, I hope you can all be welcoming to the newest member of our team here at ACME. Dr. Francesca Romano is an Italian Criminologist who will be working with us for the foreseeable future. She has so much to offer to us and I am sure you will all enjoy working with her." The Chief said to the detectives that were gathered around his main screen at ACME HQ.

Everyone broke into applause at this point and then the Chief opened up the conversation for questions.

"Excuse me Chief, but where is Dr. Romano now?" Zack asked. "I am sure that we would all love to meet her."

"I believe she is in her room at the moment, err, you see jet lag is a bit of a problem and she did just come from Italy to be here. It is just a little bit of a time difference you see and she needs to get fully acclimated." Chief said hastily.

"You mean she did not just take the C5 corridor?" Ivy asked confused.

"Not everyone believes that is the most comfortable means of transport Ivy." The Chief said quickly. "I know many people who would prefer the traditional methods of travel."

"When do you think we will be able to meet her?" another detective across the room piped up.

"Yes." said another quickly. "I would be very interested in discussing different methods and processes with her."

"In due time of course." The Chief said a little flustered. "I am certain that she will be very busy for her first few days here, but we will see how things go. Thank you again for your time. Wish I could stay to answer more questions, but I've got another important meeting to get to so..... Carry on with your work." Like that he was gone and the detectives were left murmuring amongst themselves. Over the next few minutes the majority of them dispersed throughout the rest of the building leaving Zack and Ivy alone.

"What do you think of that?" Ivy asked Zack after a time.

"The new Criminologist? I think this is fantastic. Think of all that we could do with the extra help around here."

"Not about her, the Chief." Ivy said. Did he seem just a little bit flustered to you?"

"Doesn't he always seem just a bit flustered Ive? After all he is rather high energy. In the most literal sense."

"Yes, but not quite like this. I got the feeling that he was hiding something; or at least not giving us the whole truth about things."

"Sis, why would he lie to us about this? A new criminologist, what on earth could that be hiding?"

"Jet lag Zack? Not choosing to use the C5 corridor? That does not sound any alarm bells in your head?"

"Ive, relax, there are a lot of people who do not like using the C5 corridor. Remember even Carmen found the whole thing to be rather disconcerting and she's, well, Carmen. The system has bugs that still need to be worked out. Personally I would not blame someone for not being too fond of it."

"This from the person who threw a fit when Suhara didn't want to use it?"

"I've changed over time. I like to think that all of what we have gone through together has served to make me the mature well adjusted person that I am today."

Ivy just snorted at this. "Believe whatever you want to little bro." she said. "I am going to check up on Dr. Romano's dossier."

"Still suspicious?" Zack asked.

"Of course." Ivy replied. "This whole thing doesn't seem right. Why do we need a new criminologist? Why now?"

"Maybe they just thought it was time to bring in someone new to help us catch Carmen?" Zack suggested.

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