Back at VILE

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 Carmen was looking through one of the reference books on the shelves behind her desk. She had just gotten back to San Francisco VILE headquarters about an hour earlier and was still settling in. If her employees had been at all surprised about the timing and means of her arrival they had remained silent about it. A fact for which she was grateful. She had thankfully had the opportunity to shower and put on a change of clothes after arriving so that she could adjust. Admittedly after such a long absence she was having a bit of trouble readjusting to being here.

Yes this was technically a home to her, but it wasn't a home the way that ACME was. Gone for only a few hours and she already missed it there. She was supposed to be checking in with the Chief sometime tonight and quite honestly she was looking forward to it. Perhaps it was for the best that she was here now too. From all accounts she had heard that Chase would be getting in this evening. At this point although it was the plan for her to return to ACME after this week she was considering staying here.

It would perhaps be the most prudent thing to do. Facing Chase would be difficult if it came to that. After what she had done to him she didn't think he would be at all amenable to seeing her. Truth be told she was still afraid to see him. It was strange being so conflicted about this. She missed him dearly, and she wanted nothing more than to be with him right now. She longed for his warm embrace. With him she was safe and she knew that no harm would come to her. Yet, the image of her attacker was still so ingrained in her mind that it would be virtually impossible to allow that to happen.

No, she wouldn't be able to face him. Even if she was she didn't know that she would be able to tell him what happened. He couldn't know. It would perhaps be better if she were to avoid him altogether. It would save them both a lot of pain, and maybe sometime in the future, they would be able to work things out again. Oh she desperately hoped that they would be able to do something. There was no use mulling it over now though. What she needed at this moment was focus. Her heist would be unsuccessful if she could not get her head in the right place to begin with.

Shaking her head she returned to the book in her hand, looking for something that might be of use, or rather something that might distract her from all that was going on. A few moments later there was a knock at the door. Unintentionally she tensed up, her whole body going rigid. This was it. For the first time in weeks she would be facing one of her own employees. Instead of following directions, she would be back to giving them. If she could just keep it together she would be fine. She took a few deep breaths to calm her nerves. "Come in Sara."

The door opened and closed with a soft click behind Carmen. She was still looking at her book trying to regain some of her level headedness and composure. "Please, take a seat." There was a moment of hesitation then soft footsteps on the hard wood floor and a gentle creaking as her guest took her seat. A few more moments, and some deep breaths before she closed her book and replaced it on the shelf. Then carefully with one last deep breath she turned around and took a seat behind her desk and met the gaze of her chief scientist.

"Sara, it is good to see you today." Carmen said trying to make her voice and tone sound as normal as possible. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"

"Carmen, it is a pleasure to see you as well." The other woman began. "It has been quite some time since I've seen you and I wanted to see how you were doing. You've been rather....silent lately."

The other woman was nervous. She hid it well, but Carmen could pick up the subtle signs. Her voice lilting a little bit higher than it usually would, and she was looking just a bit to the left. There was more to her visit than this. "Yes, I was. I suppose I just needed something of a break. Eventually everyone does." Carmen said with a wave of her hand. "Just a chance to recharge my batteries." Even to her own ears the excuse was not convincing. Her voice sounded tired and worn out. Hardly what one would expect from a sabbatical.

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