Chapter Seven

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Seth Dhammers

We walk in silence for a while until May breaks it.

"Where are we going? Should we have a plan?"

"No idea but I say we try to get out of here" I say.

"You do realize that he follows people home right? He won't let us go." Nico informs us firmly.

"Wow thanks Nico. So very helpful. Love that for us." I say sarcastically, causing him to raise his hands in surrender.

"Why don't we try to find things to defend ourselves?" I offer.

"Or we could just kill him. I could do it myself! One little pull of a trigger and he's gone, not a problem anymore." He says making finger guns, a glint in his eyes. Honestly it's terrifying. He reaches into his pants to grab something and May jumps forwards.

"Nico. No." She says firmly, he sighs and moves on following us again.

We all start wandering the forest until we come across a pond and we sit to catch our breath.

"I'm going to look around okay?" Nico says and we all gladly agree to let him go.

We can hear the hidden message, he's going to make sure Al isnt hidden around here. He sets off, not scared at all. He knows that he can defend himself.

Only May and I know of his "Habits" with people he doesn't like. Ashe thinks that they are a close part of the group. They are not.

"Why don't we build a fire to sit around" May suggests.

I gather logs to sit on and position them so the fire is in the middle of them.

May and Ashe gather the things to build the actual fire.

About 10 moments later Nico walks back into the clearing.

"All good." He says sitting down by the fire where we have gathered.

In his hands we see that he has a small animal in his hands. A very dead small animal. He pulls a small hunting knife from his boot.

"Nico!" Ashe scolds looking rather sick. He looks up and smiles at them. He doesn't like them that much, he must find this funny.

"Yes Ashe?" He says. Cheeky motherfucker.

"You- You are going to skin that? Here? Now? With no gloves?" They ask covering their eyes and mouth.

"Do you want dinner or not?" He asks simply and puts his head down, getting to work.

We watch as Nico cooks the meat over the fire, all of us trying not to look at the pile of.. Things Nico had to remove to make it.

Once dinner is ready we eat.

After dinner Nico says he's going to sleep. He climbs up the tree that is right next to us so we can still see him even in the very dark night.

Moments later he stops moving and his breathing slows. He must be asleep.

Ashe comes to that conclusion too because they start talking.

"Something is up with Nico, you guys." I try not to laugh at that statement.

"That glint in his eyes was super scary. It rivaled the murderer. Actually, no. It was worse than the killers." I look at May and we make eye contact.

"Sure it was." I say offhandedly

"I saw nothing," May shrugs.

Ashe shakes their head.

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