Chapter Twelve

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Calliope was growing worried, which was an understatement. She woke up more than half a day ago, but Sodo was still sleeping. She didn't know enough about ghouls to know whether this was normal or not, but someone else would.

Hence why she was standing in front of the huge doors that led to the ghouls' quarters. She had to ask a Sister for directions, and she found it soon after.

She bit her lip anxiously as she knocked on the hardwood.

"It's open," Someone groaned from inside, obviously annoyed at the interruption. This is starting off swell.

Cal stepped inside, taking a quick moment to survey the dark room. The only source of light seemed to be the fireplace, which cast an orange glow on the luxurious leather sofas around it. A ghoul she didn't recognize was lounging on the sofa, only perking up once she entered the room.

He didn't look like any other ghoul she'd ever seen, aside from his inky fingertips, he had wild violet eyes and a dark grey complexion. Something was exceptionally mystical about him, and she couldn't place it.

Snapping out of her momentary daze, she anxiously wove her fingers together. "Sorry to bother you, I'm looking for Aether."

"He's not here, anything I can help you with?" He suggested hurriedly as he stood up to near her, a wolfish grin overtaking his face. Everything about him - from his black eyes and their purple irises to his strange manner of moving - screamed predator. He was fascinating, yet terrifying.

"I don't know," She cleared her throat, not sure she could trust this ghoul.

"Cal?" Someone asked from behind the unnerving ghoul.

Aether emerged from the dark hallway, looking concerned. Mystery ghoul seemed dejected at his sudden appearance, rolling his eyes as he plopped back down onto the couch.

"Aether," She sighed in relief, taking barely any time to observe the ghoul's face, void of a mask. "I could really use your help- I mean, I might be overreacting but I just want to be sure."

"Sure, what's up?" He frowned, clearly concerned as he crossed his arms.

"It's a sensitive topic, I think- well, you know how he is," She explained vaguely, already stepping toward the door. "Just come with me. Please."

Aether didn't waste any time, crossing the room to follow behind. The mystery ghoul stood up to follow them, but Aether put an end to that quickly.

"Swiss, stay."

"Why?" Cal heard him whine from inside the room as she waited for Aether to catch up to her. "I wanna know, too."

"It's private," Aether shrugged, closing the door behind him before hurrying over to Calliope.

She easily led them back to her office, taking great care to avoid the setting sun's beams in the hallway. Aether stepped inside first, frowning at her melted doorknob as he rushed into her room.

Sodo was buried under a mountain of her pillows, her bedding bundled up around him. The only thing one could really see of him was his long ivory hair, barely visible.

Aether hurried over to his side, his knee dipping into the mattress as he reached over the ghoul to pull some of the pillows away. Sodo barely stirred, still asleep, as Aether rested a hand on his forehead, assumedly checking his temperature.

"It's nothing serious," He said after a while, combing Sodo's hair out of his face before standing up. "It's just... a ghoul thing."

"A ghoul thing?" Cal asked, crossing her arms as she frowned at him.

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