Chapter Twenty

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Sodo could tell she was different. The moment he stepped into the room, he could tell that even the air was different. He tried to pry - he did, but she couldn't even look at him. Anyone with eyes could see that she'd been crying, which he thought to be impossible after what happened.

It took her a few days to recuperate, but he was glad when she finally seemed to be back to her usual self. Seemed to be...

He just... wanted to know what the cause was. It was eating at him, and he didn't know how much longer he could stand not knowing. She's doing it again. She's hiding something from you.

No, she wouldn't do that. She promised.

She promises a lot of things.

Sodo huffed out loud at the thought, putting his guitar aside with more force than necessary. Christ, why would he even consider that? He trusted her, for fuck's sake.

A sting flashed down his spine, and he hissed at the sensation. Yeah, yeah, no Christian deities, got it.

He stared at the empty studio from where he sat on the small stage. Everything was gone. Packed. And it depressed him more than anything. If it weren't apparent by now, he hated going on tour. He hated it. Performing? Sure, it was usually a good time. Touring? There was nothing he loathed more.

With a sigh, he put his guitar into its case and carried it upstairs.

He couldn't help the dread in the pit of his stomach, and he couldn't place why it was there. It wasn't just the tour that was bothering him. Nor was it entirely whatever Cal was hiding from him. No, there was something else... Something he couldn't place.

Sodo dropped his guitar onto her sofa before stepping into her bedroom, where Cal was running around frantically, tugging a brush through her ridiculously long hair.

"Did you just wake up?"

"Yeah, I overslept," She hissed as she combed a knot out of her hair, giving up before tossing the brush into her bag.

"Did you wake the others?"

"No," She gasped, already sprinting past him. "Get ready, Dew, we are so fucking late!"

"Who the fuck are you calling 'Dew'?" He called after her, rolling his eyes. She's been spending too much time with them.

"Sorry!" Her voice echoed through the hall as she disappeared down the stairs.


"Why did you have to wake me up like a bitch?" Swiss complained, holding his umbrella closer to him. Cal would've laughed at the strangeness of the ghouls wearing all-black, sunglasses and clutching to their umbrellas like a lifeline to avoid the sun... if she wasn't doing the exact same thing.

"We were going to be late," Cal huffed, watching siblings of sin loading the truck with all their belongings, before driving away.

"That wasn't the question. Why'd you have to do it like a bitch?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," She dismissed, turning away from him.

"Oh, please," Swiss scoffed, glowering at her from over her shoulder. "Does this sound familiar? 'Swiss, get the fuck up we're gonna miss the fucking plane'?"

"I woke everyone up like that," Cal snorted, nudging him away from her.

"'Ladies, please wake up, we're going to be late'," He quoted in a shrill voice, earning a very grossed-out look from her.

"I don't sound like that."

"You little-"

"Alright, the cars are here," Copia interrupted, clapping his hands together as he so often did, walking ahead of them. "Calliope, you're in this one with Aether, Swiss and Sodo. Ladies, you, Rain and Mountain are with me. We're going to have to squeeze, but that's fine."

"It's illegal," Sodo grumbled as the latter group got into their designated car.

"I was going to be a gentleman and give you a chance, but you're taking surprisingly long so... Shotgun," Aether shrugged, closing his umbrella as he climbed into the passenger seat.

Cal rolled her eyes, and shuffled into the backseat, avoiding being stuck in the middle seat. Unfortunately, Sodo was the one left with that position, pushing Swiss aside before scooting in next to her.

I can't believe Copia would take all the calmer ghouls, and I'm left to babysit the hell-raisers.

"Stop fucking touching me," Sodo hissed at Swiss, moving over to sit closer to Cal.

"You want me to decrease the size of my fucking thighs?" Swiss huffed, crossing his arms. "I've got news for you, even if I could do that, I wouldn't."

"No one said you had to manspread, dumbass."

"It's called 'biology', bitch."

"Oh, please."

"You okay back there?" Aether murmured to Cal, amused.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine," She mumbled, crossing her legs as the two continued bickering.

"Why are you crossing your legs?" Sodo demanded, turning to Cal. "He's the one taking up all the space."

"Just leave him be, move over," Cal dismissed, pointing to the space available next to her.

Sodo sighed, crossing his arms but did as he was asked.

Cal tapped his leg in thanks, staring out of the window for the rest of the drive... until Sodo piped up again.

"Cal has thicker thighs than you, by the way - your argument is invalid."

Cal gawked at him, somewhat offended. Is that an insult? I don't know how to feel...

"How fucking dare you?" Swiss growled, looking like he was about to tear the smaller ghoul apart.

"Alright, you two need to shut up. Seriously," Aether grumbled from the front seat, glaring at them before glancing curiously at the driver - who looked so unbelievably nervous, if not scared.

The two of them huffed but listened.

I can't believe I'm going to be stuck on a plane with them for nearly three hours.

𝔄𝔲𝔱𝔥𝔬𝔯'𝔰 𝔑𝔬𝔱𝔢:

Alright, so things are moving along, which is good. I just wanted to add, for clarification, that there's been a significant time skip. I noticed that Obit already has half the word count of Sigil, and we're not even halfway through the book yet. I don't want to drag this out too long, because that's when books start to get boring. :)

Anyhow, leave your thoughts! I love reading them xx

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