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"Hanabi let's go home" Hinata, having lost her good spirits looked at her sister in all seriousness. She needed to talk with her family about what's happening with her as it wasn't fair to keep them in the dark. As she thought this, she wondered how her father would react. He would certainly be angry but what else? Would he be sad, would he demand she get the surgery to save her life in sacrifice of her love for Naruto? What about her sister? Hanabi always supported her feelings for the young ninja, but would that support come to a halting stop when she knew her sister's life was on the line?

"Sister Hinata, what's wrong? Why so serious all of a sudden?" Hanabi couldn't help but see the change in her big sister, she was going to argue that she wanted to spend more time out in the town but when she looked into her sister's eyes, she quickly swallowed her objection.

"It's something I need to talk with you and father about at the same time. I promise once we are home, I will tell you everything".

"Ok then let's go" Hanabi replied with some urgency, she sensed that whatever it was, that it was indeed important and suddenly she couldn't stand being out for much longer. The two made their way through the village, from time to time she snuck secret looks at her sister's face trying to figure out what was wrong all of a sudden. Try as she may she couldn't get a reading from her. She did notice however that Hinata had a look of longing, you could call it, as she glanced at the everyday things their village had to offer like the shops that sold her favourite food and the store where they got a present for their father's birthday not too long ago. Hinata was looking at them as if it was the last time, she was seeing them. Hanabi grabbed her sister's hand and started running at that point, too impatient to wait much longer.

"Slow down Hanabi, why the hurry all of a sudden?" Hinata spoke but made no effort to slow her sister's movements. She knows how impatient Hanabi can be and guessed she must have sensed the seriousness of the situation and could wait no longer.

"Onii-chan you know why, less talking and more running. I know whatever this is its's something big and I can't start helping you if I don't know what it is". At those words Hinata felt tears in her eyes. She doesn't know how to tell her sister that helping her would be a lost cause. That her only options were to get a man who doesn't see her that way to fall in love with her, or do a surgery that will erase her feelings. The same feelings that have pushed her all these years to become stronger, more confident and helped her to become the sister she loved and a daughter her father did not have to be ashamed of. Not wanting to say the words that will dash her sister's hopes just yet, Hinata smiled and said "Alright let's hurry then".

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