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It had been five days, five days since he had last seen Hinata, five days since she had surprised him by asking if he wanted to go out with her and five days since she was all he could think about. Sitting at home in his apartment Naruto was counting down the time until he had to get ready to meet her. They had agreed to meet at her home, well more like he insisted since she didn't want to 'inconvenience him by going all the way there', her words not his. He still had a little time left until he had to get going, he wanted to do so now as he was eager to see her, but didn't want her to feel bad by showing up early. He knew she wouldn't stop apologising for not being ready on time, though it would have been him to have shown up before the time they agreed upon.

If he were to be honest with himself, he was a little nervous about later on, he had hung out with Hinata before but never one on one and somehow, that seemed to make a world of difference. This made him ask himself that question again, the same question he had been asking lately. Why is everything different when it comes to her? It can't be because they are close, he is close with all his friends, it can't be because she is a girl, he hangs out with Sakura one on one all the time and he has never felt what he is feeling now. Then what is it?! "Ugh"! Getting frustrated with himself on still not having an answer to this question he decided to get up and start getting ready for their outing. No use sitting here driving himself crazy


Walking through the streets of Konohagkure, Naruto couldn't help but take in the changes made around the village in preparation for tonight's festival. Smaller events were being held throughout the day, mostly for the children to enjoy. Later on, they would setup the main activities geared more toward adults, whether they are going by themselves, out with a large group of friends or as a couple, all in all the festival had something for everyone. As he walked, he was greeted by many families, smiling and waving at him, he could help but stop and talk to a few people who had called him over, sharing a laugh or two or helping some of the kids win prizes they really wanted. This was indeed a complete change from how things were in the past, when everyone, well almost everyone tended to avoid, the thought brought a smile to his face knowing he was finally accepted by the village. Continuing aimless he ended up passing the familiar flower shop owned by Ino and her family, he had not intended to stop but found himself doing so as a single lavender rose caught his eye. He didn't know why but the rose just reminded him of well, her. It stood out among the other flowers and before he knew what he was doing he was opening the door and heading inside.

"Hey Naruto, what are you doing her hmm"? Ino asked startling him out of his semi-unconscious state, he hadn't really noticed her when he had come in, his mind and body had one singular focus and that was to get the Rose so he could give it to Hinata when he saw her later on, when he made that decision, he wasn't sure but it was a thought he liked very much.

"Oh, hey Ino, sorry didn't see you there. I was just standing outside and saw that rose there and next thing I knew here I am, he-he". Scratching the back of his head he replied to Ino and noticed that her smirk grew the more he spoke. He wasn't sure what it was about but decided he didn't have time for that now as he still hadn't completed the mission, he had subconsciously given him self jus a few minutes ago.

"Ho-oh, oh really now~ ? Could it be that you saw the rose and it reminded you of a certain lavender loving beauty and you thought to yourself, 'oh I just have to get that for her. Hmm"?

"Eeh! I don't know what you're talking about, I just saw it and it seemed cool, yah know"? Truthfully, Ino was right but for some reason Naruto didn't want her to know this. He wanted to keep all things 'Hinata' to himself, it seemed too personal to share with anyone, well anyone except Kurama and that one wasn't by choice, the damn nosy fox was always in his business as if he had nothing better to do.

"Listen here you brat you think I want to always be hearing your thoughts? Feeling your stupid feelings and shit? Always on about ramen this and Hinata that". Changing is voice to imitate Naruto's Kurama continued on his rant. "Ohh Hinata hairs smells so nice, Oh Hinata is such a strong ninja, Oh-'

"Alright, alright would you shut it you miserable nine tailed pain in the ass! And I don't sound like that, and I don't always think about ramen and Hinata"!

"Heh sure kid whatever you say. If you're not thinking about her then you're dreaming about her. Do I need to remind you of a particular dream you were having just the other night, hmm?" After Kurama said that Naruto went red, he knew what dream the damn fox was talking about. It was one he couldn't seem to get out of his head no matter how hard he tried. It left him feeling guilty and with more questions but no answers.

He was in the woods near a water fall and he could see her, she looked so beautiful standing there, the moonlight reflecting off her skin as the droplets from the water cascaded around her. He must have stood there for what felt like hours just watching her when suddenly she started stripping to get into the water. When she did, she turned to face him, looking straight into his eye. Eyes that were calling to him to go to her, next thing he knew his feet were moving on their own and when he was just an inch away from her, she pulled him in and they –

"Earth to Naruto"! Ino shouted waving her hand in his face. She has been calling him for the past few minutes with no reply, she saw his face go from annoyance to guilt, she thought and then straight up embarrassment. Right now, his face reminded her of how Hinata's would always get when she was around him or talking about him.

"Huh, what, what"?

"Ah why is your face so red, hmmm"? Saying that, Ino noticed his face invented a new shade as she had never seen that on anyone before. Naruto turned around quicky as her words registered to him, he couldn't face her now and all he wanted was to get the rose and get out of the shop as quickly as possible.

"Ahh no-n-nothing, yah know just hot out today that's all and these clothes are warmer than I thought they would be, ha-ha. Yeah, so how much did you say was for the rose?

"Yeaah sure, and I didn't but you can have it free, seeing how you love~it so much" Ino snickered when she emphasised the word love. Again, Naruto decided to ignore her as he had other things on his mind, or rather he had things he was trying to get off his mind in that moment before those thoughts did what they usually did to him.

"Ahh no that's ok, I want to pay for this one, it seems special yah know". Shrugging Ino allowed him to pay and handed him the rose, thanking her he left the shop with a sigh of relief and continued on his journey. In his head he could hear Kurama laughing almost manically. Thinking back on that dream in public was not the wisest move.

"Yeah, you think" Kurama continued to mock him "especially when you know what it did to you the first time and each time you think on it".

"Will you shut the hell up you dam demon, don't make me come in there and kick your ass"!

"I'd like to see you try, you scrawny brat". Remembering once more that he was in public Naruto decided to ignore the tailed beast and continue on his way to Hinata. Stopping by Ino and with those families had eaten up the extra time he had, and now he could go and pick her up. With rose he hand he set out to do just that.

"Hey Naruto"

"Hey kid"

"Hey you damn brat; I'm talking to you"!

With his new mission in mind 'Ignore Kurama at all cost' Naruto continued on his way until he saw her house, standing outside to compose himself a bit, he got his thoughts together and went to call.

"Alright Naruto, here goes nothing"

Author's Notes: Thoughts, comments, let me know what you are thinking!

Additional Notes: Apologies for this wait, this chapter was just not coming together no matter how hard I tried, the words just would not come to me the way I wanted them to. Thank you to everyone who has stuck with this book so far, you have all been a great encouragement to finish this. I hope you continue to enjoy!

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