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"Listen up people! This is an emergency meeting of the 'Helping Onni-chan to finally get that dense baka to fall for her' club. My-"

"Ahh are we really keeping that name?" Choji asked "I mean can't we find anything catchier?"

"Yeah, I agree with Choiji on this one, something a little shorter could be nice, or we could an acronym of sort" Sakura replied

"Yeah, yeah that-"

"We don't have time for this!" Hanabi yelled "this is serious, Ino just came back from her mission with my sister and she reported some very disturbing findings, while she did not go into the specifics of it but when she was in Onni- chan's mind she saw where she didn't think she was good enough to be with Naruto and I spoke to her last night and she doesn't know if she will even confess now!"

"Why would she think that? Of course, she is good enough for him! Hinata has always believed in Naruto when others didn't. She has loved him since they were three, if anyone deserves to stand by his side its her!" Sakura spoke exasperated, she never understood where this self-doubt came from with Hinata when it came t Naruto. In the time after the war, she and Hinata had gotten closer and she had become a precious friend. She knew how much she hurt loving Naruto, with thoughts of him never feeling the same for her. Sakura had tried to encourage Hinata in the past to go for it and confess to Naruto as she truly believed she has a shot. Her thoughts were interrupted when Hanabi spoke again

"I know that, you know that, everyone one in this room knows that except her! I mean for someone with her visual Jutsu she can be so blind some times. Naruto would be lucky to be with my sister, she is kind, strong, beautiful but she doesn't see it no matter how hard I try and now she is running out of tim-" She froze, she had not meant to say that part, she had meant to keep it a secret but the thought of her sister giving up her chance to be with the person she loved the most outside of her family made her so mad that the words came out without permission.

"What do you mean, she is running out of time?" This time it was Kiba who spoke. "Ahh I – I just meant that I want her to get with him before next month is all, you know for no reason, he-he"

"You know, you are not a very good liar Hanabi, its more than that, and before you try to deny Ino's facial expression when you made that little slip up already gave you away" Shikamaru who had become more alert since that statement from Hanabi answered. At his words Hanabi looked at Ino and true to his words her face looked pale and it seemed she was fighting back tears.

"You-you know?". Unable to say the actual words, Ino nodded her head. Hanabi froze, she didn't know what to say now. Hinata didn't want her friends to know what was going on and she had meant to keep the secret honest. She had not even told Konohamaru. "Ho-ow?" Instead of answering Ino burst into tears as she could no longer hold them in. Seeing her cry Sai got up and embraced her in a hug which she gratefully leaned into.

"Will somebody tell us what is happening?!" Kiba yelled, "whats wrong with Hinata?! We are her friends no scratch we are more than that, she is family to us so if she is hurting or in trouble we need to know!" Conflicted by what to do Hanabi froze, her mind running a wild. On one hand them knowing would mean greater help in convincing Hinata not to give up, but on the other hand she would be breaking her trust. Which was more important her trust or her happiness?

"I-I can't, I promised her I wouldn't say anything, I can't break that promise" Kiba open his mouth to argue but before he could the last person they were expecting to see came through the door, Hinata.

Going back a little

"Lord Sixth, I have delivered the scroll as per your request." Hinata found herself in the Hokage's office for the second time this in as many weeks giving a mission report. "On my way to the Sand Village I was met with Tamari whom I handed the scroll over to, I would have gone to the Sand myself but as she was one of the persons, I was instructed could receive the scroll I honoured her request and came back home.

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