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Waking up due to feeling cold Pantalone sits up bed tiredly looking at the fireplace that was out but as he was about to stand up he coughs which results into him sitting in the bed for a little longer. Daemon who had returned by that time to wake up besides Pantalone so nothing would look suspicious sits up in the bed and places his hand on his back gently rubbing it "what is wrong?"

Pantalone looks incredible sick as he just leans in the other his touch resting his head onto the other his shoulder "it is cold...could you please turn the fireplace back on aswell for give me my medicine..." he whispers.

Daemon wraps his arm around Pantalone and nods placing a kiss onto his head "of course" he spoke and walks to the fireplace lighting it again before he puts some wood on it to keep it burning for a while as he then goes to Pantalone his bedside "i do not see any medicine"

Pantalone looks confused as he has a hand covering his face because of how miserable he feels at the moment "i put it there. A small bottle...i am sure it is there"

Sitting down on the bed he takes Pantalone his wrist to pull that hand away from his face "it truely is not there... get some more rest...it is still early. I will take care of you okay?"
Pantalone nods at that and lays back in the bed. Daemon tucks Pantalone in and checks his temperature knowing he will be sick for a while which causes him to smile "even when you are sick you are beautiful " he spoke.

Pantalone chuckles softly and pulls the covers more over himself "i am not"

"Yes you are" Daemon smiles and gently carresses the back of his head "i will speak to the maids and see if they have something to make you feel better alright? Just stay here in bed" he spoke and leaves the room to go to the kitchen where the headmaid would be yet on his way he sees a maid glare at him which makes him stop in his tracks and turn to face her giving her a kind gentle smile "is there something wrong ma'am?"

The maid continues to glare at him as she keeps her distance from him "i know what you are doing. I heard all what you said... you will not harm him. One word of his life being threatened and you are dead" she spoke but takes a step back when he takes a step closer.

Daemon puts his hands up to signal he wont hurt her and continues to smile at her "my dear-... it is wrong to make accusations that are not true. Do you have proof?" He spoke taking steps closer to her but keeps his hands where she can see them.

The maid turns to run away but got yanked into a room by her hair as Daemon has her thrown onto the ground. He grabs a fireplace poker and walks towards her raising it in the air to strike it down at her yet he notices something which makes him stop as he sees the evidence she carried on her. He bends down to her so he can pick the evidence up as he is  looking at it with a grin "i almost feel pity for you" he spoke and with his bare hand he crushes the evidence before he makes the metal rod hit her face hard as a cut was formed on her cheek. The maid cried out in pain but she manages to push trough the pain and kick the man with her heel in his kneecap which gives her time to run out of the room and run out of the home without a coat or anything as she managed to escape from the situation.

Deamon grunts frustrated but he is relieved knowing she will never return to the home again as long as he is here. He is not scared of a rumor spreading since who would trust a maid her word over the word of a well known business man?

Well the maid had nowhere to go to other then one person. She knows this  person is terrible but she knows this man cares a lot about Pantalone so she rushes to Dottore his labratory and bangs on the door shivering from the pain and cold as her lips are blue from having been in the cold for too long.

Dottore who just had woken up and quickly had put on his attire opens the door and right as he was about to ask what was the meaning of this or to send her away she passed out and practically fell in Dottore his arms. The man catches her and closes the door behind her carrying the women inside and lays her on a patient bed. Inspecting the wound as he can see it is not done by a knife. It was done by some object that could be used as a weapon in a dire situation and he might get a good idea what it is thinking what in Pantalone his house they have the most of. There are a lot of fireplaces since the temperature has to be absolutely perfect for Pantalone so he thinks it is a tool from a fireplace set to keep it clean or help burn the wood with. He cleans the wound and stitches it up simply waiting for the maid to wake up and tell her what happened.
It took a while but when the maid woke up she needed some time to adjust her vision but she got scared when seeing the doctor. " what happened?..." Dottore asks.

Love trough Madness [ Pantalone x Dottore ]Where stories live. Discover now