Chapter 1

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Fate could be ironic sometimes, right?

As everyone knows, Pedri is one of the best players of Barcelona at the moment yet no one knows about his past, so let's go back a bit in time;

Well, her and Pedri used to be bestfriends, they would do everything together, and one of their favourite thing to do; was to play football. They would always sneak out to play together and their parents would go crazy searching for them in the neighbourhood and they would always find them playing football. Until they were 10, both of their parents decided to roll them in a football club for children. Since there was no football club for girls near them, they had to join her in a boys one. She was a great player and since she didn't do well at her studies, her dream was to become the best female football player.

Her and Pedri shared the same dream and they decided to help each other reach it. Until one day, whe they were 16. She was on her way to the pitch as usual to train for the upcoming game next weekend. She had to win this games because it wasn't like every other game, this one was important. Cause if her club wins against this famous one, she would get a lot of opportunities. When suddenly she felt someone push her onto the road, she bumped her head really hard with ground and the only thing that she could see, was a running car toward her.. and that's when she lost conscious.

She woke up at the hospital seeing a boy sitting next to her and two people which she recognised to be her parents.

"Where am I ?" She said.

" Oh honey, you finally woke up I've been so worried." Said her mother with a worried tone.

"What happened?" She said in confusion.

"You were asleep for 3 days after you got  hit by a car" her father replied.

"A car?!" She said trying to adjust her self. "Ouch! My head hurts"

The boy who was sitting there rushed to her: "don't move, just stay back and relax. We are so grateful that you made it."

She looked him in the eyes and said something that shook everyone in the room;

"Who are you?"

Okay guys that was it I hope you like it, I'm sacrificing my sleep by writing this at 4:00am next chapter will be tomorrow I guess and please don't mind the mistakes I'm really exhausted.

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