Chapter 3

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In the evening, Luna returned to Camp Nou to meet the members.

Jonatan: "welcome again Luna! Follow me to show you around then go join the rest."

Luna: "okay."

After he showed her around, it was time to go meet everyone else. She was feeling nervous and stressed, Jonatan could see that so he told her;

Jonatan: "don't be nervous, everyone here has heard about you and they are excited to meet you. So relax."

Luna: "is it that obvious that I'm nervous?" She said while chuckling.

Jonatan: "A coach knows his trainers." He opened the door; "here we go."

Everyone turned around and saw the coach with the new teammate.

Jonatan: "Hello everyone! This is Luna your new comrade, please welcome her." Everyone applaud "Luna, would you like to introduce yourself?"

Luna: "sure! Hello everyone my name is-"

Pedri: " Luna.." he said while looking at her in disbelief, everyone turned to look at him.

Luna: " sorry?"

Pedri:"I'm sorry I just remembered something, go on."

Luna: "sure..anyways my name is Luna Lopez, I'm 20. And nice to meet you all!"

Everyone welcomed her.

Araujo: "welcome Luna! I'll make sure that everyone here treat you well."

Claudia: "Oh come on Ronald, she doesn't need your help."

Araujo: "I'm just trying to be nice."

Luna: "Thanks, but I'm sure that everyone here is nice so don't worry."

While this was happening, Gavi whispered to Pedri who was already tearing up, remembering everything all over again after he moved on.

Gavi :"what was that dude? And why are you crying ?"

Pedri:"I'm not crying, it's just my allergy."

Gavi: "are you allergic to the new girl or what?"

Pedri :"no- you know what? Just forget about it."

Gavi:"do you know that girl ?"

Pedri: "it's a long story."

Gavi:"okay whatever."

Everyone left the room for practice besides Luna who was exploring the room. Pedri noticed that so he returned to her;

Pedri: "hey-"

Luna :"FUCK!" She said while turning around "YOU SCARED ME BRO!"

Pedri: "chill I didn't know you were this coward" he said while laughing.

Luna :"Oh come on, if the same thing happened to you, you will do the same or even worse." She said while laughing "by the way, you are my favourite player at Barcelona"

Pedri: "oh really?"

Luna:" yeah! I've been a really big fan of you."

Pedri: "well that's..nice" he said while remembering everything that they did together, their dreams, their promises, their adventures.
And a vivid memory came crossing his mind; they were 12 when she told him while they were laying on the ground, admiring the beauty of the sky;

Luna:"the sky is so beautiful, right pepi?"

Pedri:"yes it is.."

Luna:"Do you promise me that we will always stay together no matter what?"

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