Chapter 2

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"Who are you?"

Those words fell like thunderbolt on Pedri who was too stunned to say anything. He glanced at her in disbelief, and said;

Pedri: "w-what do you mean ? Don't you remember me Luna ?"

Luna: "Sorry, you must've been confused."

Pedri: " Luna, are you kidding me ?!"

Luna: "Mom, can you please call security or someone? I'm really starting to get uncomfortable."

At that moment, the doctor entered the room and announced something startling :

Doctor: "We did some analysis, and it turn out to be that Luna has a long term memory loss. Which means she lost almost 11 years of her memory, along with a broken ankle and arm. She can restore her memory back, but that would take a lot of time and it's almost impossible to happen."

Pedris eyes filled with tears, especially that he didn't only see her as a friend but a lot more than that. He loved her, she also did but now that her memory is gone he can't do nothing about it.

He left the hospital in disappointment hoping that she would at least remember his name but she only remembered her brother who was now out of town, and her parents.

Luna: "Mom?"

Mother: "yes sweety?"

Luna:"do I really know that guy?"

Mother: "yes his name is Pe-"

Before she could finish the sentence, her father said;

Father: "No you don't know him, he only found you when you got into the accident and brought you to the hospital. "

Her mother looked at him in confusion but then she said:

"Y-yes honey you sure don't know him, now if you don't mind, me and your dad are gonna have talk outside." She said starring at him in anger.

Mother: Why did you lie to her ? You know she is going to find out later!"

Father: " listen, if you decide to tell her one day about him I'll make sure to make your life miserable."

They came back in the room before her dad received a call and told them that he has an emergency and needs to go.
Moments after, two girls came rushing into the room. They both looked worried and the first girl started crying;

The first girl: "Oh my God Luna I was so worried are you okay? *sobs*"

Luna: "Camila! I'm fine really, I'm glad that I remembered you two."

Camila: "Me and sophia came running after we heard the news, but what do you mean you remembered us?"

Luna: "Well, the doctor said that I have a long term memory loss. So you're lucky that I remembered you two."

Sophie: "That make sense, we're childhood friends. And you'll never forget us."

Luna: "Can you ask the doctor when I'm coming out? I miss football."

Camila: "I was sure you'll never forget about football. And we already did, you'll becoming out the next 3 days. We'll visit you so you wouldn't get bored don't worry."

Luna: "Thank you you're the best!"

After exactly 3 days Luna got out of the hospital, unfortunately she still couldn't remember a thing from the past. Her father had to move them to Barcelona because of his job, luckily since camila and sophie father had the same job, they also moved to Barcelona. (Btw camila and sophie are siblings)
After Pedri received the news, he was devastated. He didn't even got the chance to say goodbye but he accepted his fate and decided moving on.
For Luna she already started a new life, she graduated high school in Barcelona and decided to focus on her football career.

In the present.

Finally, Lunas hardwork payed off. She finally got the chance of playing with Barcelona FC which was her dream since she was little. Today was her big day, she woke up at 6 o'clock which she never does. She took a shower, put on some makeup and got dressed. She was too stressed to eat breakfast so she just headed to Camp Nou. She already found
Coach Jonatan waiting for her.

Jonatan: "Hello Luna! I was waiting for you, you were amazing this season and our club really needed someone with your talent. I hope you continue with this fascinating work."

Luna: "Hi! I'm really glad to hear all that, and I promise to do my best."

Jonatan: "I love your energy already, you only need to sign these paper and look at the camera to take your pictures."

After finishing, Jonatan told her to return at the evening so he can introduce her to the rest of the club members, including the masculine ones.
She was so excited, she got back to her house. She changed into something that looked like this:

 She changed into something that looked like this:

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And she called camila,

Luna: "*scraming in joy* I finally did it!"

Camila: *Oh my God girl I'm happy for you!"

Luna:"I'm going to meet the rest of the club in the evening, I'm trying to make a good first impression. And I'm really exited to meet Pedri, he is my favourite member at Barcelona! I can't believe I'm meeting him personally."

Camila: "with this outfit ? Nah you must be joking"

Luna: "come on it's perfect!"

Camila: "it's so basic!!"

Luna: "shut up, you always had the worst fashion growing up."

Camila :"yeah whatever"

Luna: "anyways I'm going now, bye wish me luck!"

Camila: "see ya! *she hungs up* I fucking hate you sophie."

Sophie: "if you even think about telling her one thing from the past, especially about Pedri you're over."

Camila: "she is going to find out anyway, and if it weren't for our mom, I would've already told her."

Sophie: "you said it yourself, she is lucky enough that I didn't end her career yet."

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