Chapter 4

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Luna returned to her place, she found her mom making dinner.

Luna :"I'm back!" She said smiling while removing her shoes.

Mother:"Welcome back honey! How was your first day?"

Luna :"it was great, and guess what mom; I met Pedri my Idol!"

Mother :"O-oh honey that's good, is he better looking in real life?" She said smirking.

Luna :"sure he does." She smirked back

They laughed until Luna asked her mom;

Luna :"where's dad?"

Mother:"he is at work, he told me he'll be late again."

Luna:"he is always at work can't he have time for us!"

Mother :"Come on Luna you know we can do nothing about this, it's been going on for ages."

Luna :"I'm tired of him being always absent in the most important events in my life! He missed my graduation, joining my first professional football club, missing almost all my birthdays, and today which was the most important one of them all, he also missed it!" She said while bursting into tears.

Mother :"honey I-"
Before she could finish, her daughter cut her again.

Luna:"and don't act like you don't know that he's been  sleeping with other women by saying he'll be late for work!"

She knew she broke her mother, but she was too broken to care.

Her mother left the kitchen and Luna stayed by her self processing what she told her mother, she realized that she really broke her mom but it was too late.
She got up to go apologise to her mom, but before she knew it her head started hurting again and she saw three figures which she recognised to be her parents and her big brother. Her dad seemed to be hitting her mother and when her brother tried to help their mother her father hit him too, all she could hear was her screaming while crying ; "daddy stop! What are you doing?! Please!"

She snapped back to reality, her head was still hurting her but she was more confused what just happened. Was she only imagining? Or were those really memories from her past. She forgot to go to her mother, instead she chose to get ready.

She wore something like this:

Put on some makeup and waited for Gavi

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Put on some makeup and waited for Gavi.
While she was waiting for him, she started thinking about earlier. Why did she suddenly remembered that? And why did the same happened with Pedri in the evening?
Suddenly, she heared a knock on the door. She knew it was Gavi, so she opened the door.

Gavi:"Hey-" he looked at her dress "wow"

Luna:"um..hi? Is everything okay?"

Gavi:"yeah, you just um- look gorgeous"

Luna:"thank you, you too"

Gavi:"thanks, come on let's go"

She followed him to the car.
Suprisingly, he opened the car door for her;

Luna :"I didn't expect you to be a gentelman."

He stared at her, closed the door, got in car, and drove away.

She was left stunned with her jaw dropped to the ground. Seconds after realising what happened, she started running after the car while screaming;


he stopped the car after seeing her like that and she got in the car, looked at him while still screaming;

Luna:"what the fuck Gavi! Are you serious?!"


Luna:"I was just kidding, did you have to drive away?!"

Gavi:"well, I was also kidding" he rolled his eyes.

Luna:"ugh! Whatever."

Gavi:"so, are gonna explain?"

Luna:"explain what?"

Gavi:"you told me that you'll tell me later."

Luna:"tell you what later?"

Gavi:"I don't know, you tell me! But you said that it was sad that you couldn't remember none of it now, so I asked you what you meant. You said that you'll tell me later." He looked at her "does that help you remember??" He said sarcastically.

Luna:"oh, it's a really long story."

Gavi:"I'm listening"

Luna told him everything including what happened earlier. She couldn't hold her tears, so she just burst out crying.

Gavi:"come on, don't cry. I know we'll figure something!"

Luna:"I hope so, but I'mreally scared tho."


Luna:"the more I remember things, the more I find out about the bad things that happened. And some of them are scary just like the one with my parents."

Gavi:"well there's only one explanation."

Luna:"which is?"

Gavi:"can I ask you something but promise me that you will answer honestly?"

Luna:"I promise."

Gavi:"how did you feel when pedri grabbed your hand?"

Luna:"um..I actually felt kind of happy.."

Gavi:"oooh so you're in loovee ?" He said teasingly

Luna:"no! Is that why you asked me?"

Gavi:"no no I was kidding, so I think that when you feel something similar to what you felt in your past, you remember a memory with the same feeling. I don't know if that makes sense  but it's the most logical explanation."

Luna:"yeah that definitely makes sense."

Gavi:"the next time you get a new memory, tell me about it so we can link things."

After a while, they arrived at the party, Alexia welcomed them;

Alexia:"Hey! Y'all are a little late."

Gavi:"she was late getting ready and I had to wait for her."

Luna:"stop lying!"

Alexia:"just get in"

They walked into the house and at that moment, Lunas eyes locked with Pedris. She stopped and stared at him for 2 minutes. Pedri was wearing a black and he looked handsome as always but she noticed a girl sitting besides him looking at him in a weird way while smiling. Soon enough you realised that that girl was-


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