often // KIARA

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I stood in my bedroom in front of my mirror looking at myself.

"Do you think I look good?" I asked Kiara. She was laying on my bed watching me as I got ready.

"You know what I think." She said to me.

"I still like to hear your opinion." I replied.

She pulled herself up from where she had been laying down. "I think you look perfect. Like, all the time."

"She likes you." JJ said to me. I shook my head and laughed.

"You're insane, JJ." I replied. "Maybe you should smoke a little less."

"Everyone other than you can see it. We've known her most of our lives, trust me I can read her." He inhaled deeply as he held a blunt to his lips.

We were sitting on a dock next to the water. JJ was my closest friend other than Kiara and I trusted him more than anything. I just didnt want to be wrong because the truth was that I had always had a thing for Kiara.

"All im saying is that if you make a move I know she'll go for it. Whats the worst that could happen." He shrugged his shoulders. "And by the way, we can all tell you like her too."

Kiara was stood next to me in the mirror. We looked good together. We would be a hot couple. The hottest couple the cut had ever seen.

"You dont have to go." She rested her head on my shoulder. I had been getting ready for a date, but she was making me rethink everything.

"I feel like I do though." I responded. One of the boys from figure 8 had asked me out, not really a big deal considering I was also from figure 8. But if I canceled on him he could ruin my reputation, especially since he was one of Rafe's closest friends.

"Please dont." Kie begged. "Just stay here with me."

"You can wait here for me. Keep my bed warm." I suggested. "I'll tell you everything when I get back."

"Or how about you stay here with me and we can both keep your bed warm." She stuck out her bottom lip and looked up at me.

"Why dont you want me to go?" I questioned. She sighed and pulled away from me.

"You know why." She looked down at her feet.

"What are you talking about?" I tilted my head to the side slightly and waited for an answer.

"Look. I know you talked to JJ about me. He told Pope and Pope told me." She explained. "Ive been waiting for you to bring it up but if you dont feel the same way about me you can just tell me-"

I cut her off with a kiss. It took her a second to register what was happening, but when she did she kissed me back.

"I like you too, Kie." I said to her when I pulled away.

"Bold assumption that I even like you." She joked, lightly punching my shoulder. I quickly realized that I did need to cancel. I picked up my phone and began typing. "What are you doing?"

"Im telling him im not coming." I hit send as I finished talking.

"You know you didnt actually have to cancel on him." She sounded as if she felt guilty.

"Well now that I know you like me and here you are I dont really think I could sit through a date with someone else." I explained.

"Can you believe JJ Maybank is responsible for us getting together?" She tossed herself onto my bed and giggled.

"Well technically we havent gotten together yet." I shrugged. She smiled and tilted her head up.

"What are you trying to say, (y/l/n)?" She smirked.

"Hmm, I dont know Carrera, what am I saying?" I climbed on top of her.

Her hands gripped my hips as I kissed her.

bzzzzzz bzzzzzz

She pushed my phone off the bed, not wanting me to be distracted by the text back I got. I was straddling her as my hands ran up her stomach and under her shirt.

"Do you want me to take this off?" She asked, acting as if she didnt know I really did want her to take it off.

"It looks really good on you, but it will probably look better on my floor." I kissed her jaw before pulling away so she could could pull her shirt off.

She looked over to the spot on the floor that her shirt had landed. "Hm. You're right."

I took mine off and tossed it on top of hers. She sat up and leaned back on her shoulders, watching as my shirt landed. "You know, yours looks better on your floor too."

"Im so glad we're on the same page." I leaned back down to kiss her and she reached around me, unclasping my bra and letting it fall onto the bed. She looked up at me in awe.

"God, youre so fucking hot." She breathed out. My hands ran under her bra and I leaned down.

"You too." I whispered in her ear before connecting my lips to her throat. I sucked on her neck leaving marks as I pulled at her bra. She arched her back so that I could unclasp hers as well. I ran my lips from her neck to her chest leaving kisses before wrapping them around one of her nipples.

My other hand stretched down her stomach and into her shorts. I continued sucking as I rubbed circles on her clit.

"Fuck." She exhaled. I licked a stripe down her stomach and unbuttoned her shorts with my available hand and she helped me pull them down. I kissed, sucked on and licked her thighs as I kept my fingers on her clit. Without warning I stuck one in and attached my mouth to her clit instead. I continued to suck on her as I stuck another finger in her and pushed them in and out. She ran her fingers through my hair and let out a small moan before finishing in my mouth.

"Can we do this all the time?"

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