Welcome Back Babes!

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Man can we believe it in the year of our lord Elon Musk I have come to grace you with my oh so painfully unbearable writings once more

weep for humanity

However, you are here so I can only assume you enjoyed the first allotment of stories and you're back for more punishment

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However, you are here so I can only assume you enjoyed the first allotment of stories and you're back for more punishment. You mosaicist, you. Fine I won't deprive you of my ability to put you to sleep as you struggle to read what my poor little self could hardly pass off as consumable writing, just corrosive at best

I digress

I'll keep this nice and sweet and short

I'll keep this nice and sweet and short

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My rules goes as follows

I will be updating this HOPEFULLY weekly if not every other week until we hit 100 little stories again. Then we will regroup from there

I will be doing things in a SECOND person pov like 85% of the time. The other 15% will be from the crewmen's povs and whatnot. I will be doing it from the perspectives of a female, because, well, that is what I am and what I know best. HOWEVER just as I did with the other book I will keep most personal and physical attributes as vague as possible. But like any fun little insert, it's just a form of escapism, please don't take anything personally, I promise you if there was a way to put each of you in a story directly I would. (however if you do request a story and you are comfortable putting your own personal descriptions in it I will not be apposed to doing that((within reason)) since the oneshot is your request)

I will not be doing smut, lemon, whatever you pips call it these days, so don't even ask. I have other VERY touchy subjects I will NEVER write about but I will not be stating them for triggering reasons (not only for myself but others) so please be rest assured most if not ALL topics of these stories will be within reasonable if not repetitive SAFE topics. If a oneshot is requested with a topic I am not comfortable with I will not shame you or not to it at all, we can discuss alternative things that will satisfy the both of us. That being said, when requests for this book are open please feel free to come to me with any and all ideas you have and we'll see what we can work with

Speaking of requests I will have them open most/all the time, but more often then not I will be pumping these out like tribbles in a vent if you have the patience to trust me and my methods hehe

I am now married and therefore a wife and to a man who is literally the sweetest human being on the planet however he is in school and we have one decently working car so I may be quite busy as he finishes his last year of school taking him to and from class and such ONTOP of me having a full time job. Please give me some grace if I don't get to your questions/messages/requests as quickly as you'd like, life is hard X(

Speaking of grace I am NOT a perfect writer. I am still learning. I make so many mistakes it's not even funny but sometimes I can get something inaccurate so please don't hesitate to KINDLY let me know or if you are confused about any parts and I clearly need to edit it I would highly appreciate the help, if kindly put of course. Thank you my dears.


Welcome to the Star Trek Reader Inserts by KobayashiMarue book TWO!

Welcome to the Star Trek Reader Inserts by KobayashiMarue book TWO!

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Man it's good to be back in the chair

Star Trek Reader Inserts Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now