A Killer- Spock

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*Did you really think I was gonna open up a new book and not already have a story for you??? I mean what can I say, it's my birthday(!!!!!), so here's my treat to you*

"Spock, please...," you didn't know what else to say as you watched the visibly angry Vulcan do his best to compose himself.

"He is a weapon. A killer." Spock turned around, his eyes dark as they landed on you before slowly traveling to the locked prisoner behind you. "Do not forget it. You can use a spear as a walking stick, but that will not change its nature."

He left quickly, his foot falls hardly making a sound and yet you ears couldn't stop ringing.

Shame, guilt, and fear fought for dominance as you tried to regain what dignity and composure you had left. To be scolded by you commanding officer was one thing, but in front of a prisoner you had once been romantically engaged to, was another thing, entirely.

Khan had been part of the crew for three years. You were all friends. Well, except for Spock. He had been right about Khan since day one, seeing through his lies, but you were all too caught up in the mission and the rush to save a whole civilization to stop and think that you were all being deceived. He was so convincing. So caring at times that it would seem unjust in all forms of the Prime Directive for Khan to be anything less than the changed man he was...for the doting and gentle fiancé he seemed to be.

Bones and Kirk rushed in, their voices bouncing off the bright walls, Khan's sedated body laying in the confinement chamber, undisturbed by the sudden shouting.


"Damn it woman, you need to stop running away like that." Bones lifted a vitals monitor, it beeping as he waved it around you head and arms. "You'll end up falling for another loser and get the other half of your brain cell knocked out of ya."

You rolled your eyes as Kirk snickered, but he quickly sobered as soon as he saw your face.

"Come on bones, cut her some slack. We all learned we made a friendship boo boo at the same time."

"Oh yeah?" Bones snapped the small monitor shut and thumbed at their unconscious audience. "At least we weren't the one sleeping with it."

Your eyes bugged. "Well at least I wasn't all gaga eyes when he would come into the Medbay, trailing after him like a love sick puppy, BEGGING for him to teach me advanced medical practices."

"You little-," Bones huffed, pointing a finger at your nose, "I was trying to save the lives of our crew. Our friends!"

"And that's wonderful and all but my heart was also broken Leonard." Your voice wavered.

"Maybe you deserved it this time, y/n."

"Hey now, Bones," Kirk stepped forward, almost as if he were shielding you from the fuming doctor, "she's your sister. If anything she's probably hurt more than the rest of us."

You shook your head as you gathered what was left of your uniform jacket up off the ground, the image of Khan choking you as your hands ripped at your clothes so you could breathe, your eyes clouded with frustration. You gave Kirk a tight smile and refused to look at your brother as you left the room.

"And for the record, I haven't slept with anyone. Ever."



Spock paced his room after having gotten ready to retire, his mind racing as he tried to think of more ways to keep Khan subdued. The heavy dose tranquilizer was wearing off too fast too frequently. Spock could only suspect the mutant was conditioning himself in secret whilst being permitted to the supplies of the ship. Oh how he wished he could turn back time and stop this all from happening to them.

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