Rescue- Kirk

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You knew you were gonna hate this man the moment you saw him and his big bright smile with those cobalt gemstone eyes. How in the world did any sort of Starfleet official look at this man and thought, yeah he's a good fit to lead a ship with nearly 500 lives on it? Sure he may have a pretty stunning track record but seeing as how you were in a life or death situation with your entire planet you weren't sure if he could save you from all of them.

His ears must have been burning because not two minutes later he turned the corner of the med bay to greet you as the doctors were still working on your broken leg.

"So doc, will she make a full recovery?"

The gruff man by your left foot rolled his eyes before grunting as he got up. "Sure will Jim if you give me five seconds to treat the poor girl. We just saved her from a burning escape pod. The least you can do is give her a minute to recuperate."

"Glad to hear it, Bones." The smug captain smiled at his friend and nodded before making his way to your right side, clearly ignoring the comment this doctor made about your situation. Instead, he got a little too close for comfort and leaned in even more. "What's your name cadet?"

You blinked. Cadet? You weren't even Starfleet, you weren't even HUMAN.

Bones groaned. "She's mute you idiot. Her species communicate through sign language of sorts and only if they WANT to, especially the women. They have some dang good respect laws on their planet. We could learn a thing or two from them." He nodded at you as if out of his own sort of respect, his brow raising in kind.

You nodded back at him, trying your best not to glare at the captain.

Kirk nodded, his hands clasped behind his back as he stepped back. "Ah, yes well my apologies. So I take it you aren't a cadet then?"

You shook your head, your pain in your leg returning. The stuff the nurses gave you earlier must have worn off. A soft rhythmic beep started and they pressed something against your leg and with a soft "psss" your pain subsided.

"Oh." He glanced at Bones but the doctor just shrugged.

"Do you really not read up on the current Starfleet planets?"

"Just so you can enlighten me, Bones." Kirk's careless smile made your blood boil.

Clearly the doctor was on the same page as you with how you felt about this whole exchange. Putting down the tool he had in his hand he turned to the nurse nearest him to finish working on your leg as he approached the blond fool.

"Were you sleeping during the rescue or did you have your tongue down the throat of a new mistress? Because it's mighty clear this poor girl was escaping something and is some sort of humanoid that we've never seen before. So unless you want me to get all Spock on you and tell you how to do your job in backhanded commentary, I'd highly suggest you listen to me now and you listen to me good."

You couldn't handle it. This doctor was doing his best to defend you but it wasn't getting through Kirk's thick skull, the man still smiling like an idiot. So you did what you didn't think you would ever do again since being banished 8 years ago.



"I can speak for myself, thank you."

Kirk's smile grew as he heard her voice silence his friend.

The room grew quiet at the sound of her oh so silky voice. Vosvosen's were fairly new to the Starfleet database but he had consumed every form of information on them as he could not only because they were new but because they were extremely intriguing.

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