❀ 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒘𝒐 ❀

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Koänä walked into the avatar base with Lo'ak, Kiri and Spider. Kiri had mentioned to Koänä while the girl's side was being healed that she wanted to see her mother. Koänä immediately offered to go with her, wanting to see Norm and the science guys. She loved them.

" Acts of war, Norm." Koänä teased as she saw Norm flick Spider's ass with a towel. The man laughed at her words.

" What she said. Your ass is mine." Spider agreed, pointing a finger at Norm.

" I'm right here." Norm challenged with his arms opened.

Koänä and Norm did the handshake they made up when she was a little girl. Once it was done he ruffled her head and she swatted his hand away with a smile on her face. Her and Norm jokingly pretended to pounced at each other.

" Mini Jake, avatar's only." One of the scientists told Koänä. The girl rolled her eyes but apologized and moved out of the area towards her siblings and Spider.

Not picking up on the previous conversation she heard Lo'ak say, " Yeah, well those blue stripes don't make you any bigger bro."

" Yeah, well I can still kick your ass." Spider retorted. Koänä bursted out into laughter with Kiri. Spider gave them a dirty look.

Koänä began ignoring the conversation as she grabbed an air mask, securing it around herself and inhaling the air.

" Yeah, monkey boy that really sucks." Kiri fake sympathized, sending a look to Koänä. The older girl picked up and nodded.

" Truly horrible."

" For you." They synched. Kiri chuckled, reaching out to tickle Spider. The boy grabbed her tail and they began playing around.

Koänä walked further into the lab, ignoring Max telling her to be careful. She squatted down to look at a rack of vials filled with shiny blue liquid. She tilted her head in fascination while Max came up behind her.

" I wish I could be a human so I could do science." Koänä confessed to Max. She didn't take her eyes off of all the equipment.

Max frowned slightly, " If you ever want to learn, I know Norm and myself would be more than willing to teach you."

She smiled at Max, patting his shoulder before walking back to the group. Kiri had gotten down from seeing her mother. Lo'ak smirked at Koänä before suddenly saying, " So who do you think knocked her up?"

" Lo'ak!"

" Pretty sure it was Norm."

Koänä gagged at the thought while Spider agreed with him. Kiri looked disgusted and shocked by their words.

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