❀ 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒕𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒚-𝒐𝒏𝒆 ❀

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Koänä had been pacing back and forth in her pod for the last two hours with an amused Trítön watching her. The boy felt his mind was being taken off what he was about to do as she rambled on and on about if the tattoo would hurt or not, how much time it'd take, how it'd look on her skin, and a shit ton of other questions he can't remember. 

" Would you stop pacing? It's about to give the poor guy a headache." Jake asked once he walked inside the pod. Koänä turned to him with a raised finger, ready to state the facts she keeps repeating once her father says that. " Yeah, yeah, I know. You're nervous and you want to know if you'll look good with the tattoo. Just stop pacing before Trítön has a seizure." 

His daughter huffed with a roll of her eyes but the smile on her face gave her away quickly. She went back to pacing so she couldn't see the look that was exchanged in between the two males. Jake had mouthed to Trítön, " Are you sure you want this one ". He could see Trítön trying to hold back his laugh and gave Jake a thumbs up. 

 An hour had passed since Jake had last come into the pod. One of the warriors had come by around five minutes ago and he told the two that everything was ready for Koänä. He left quickly but winked at Trítön before he left.

" Koä, will you stop pacing now? It's time." Trítön said to her, grabbing the girl by her tail and dragging her toward him. He placed his hands on both sides of her arms, keeping her planted. He saw the nervous look on her face and chuckled. " Do not worry so much. You're going to look just as gorgeous with the tattoo."

" Oh yeah? Do you think Yuano will finally ask me to be his mate?" She teased him, watching as his jaw clenched up tightly and the hold on her arms got a bit tighter.

Yuano was truly just an innocent boy in the clan who had grown to develop a secret, or he thinks it is, crush on the older Omatikayan girl. It made Trítön annoyed when everyone teased him about the boy. Not ever in a million years would he let anyone take Koänä away from him now. He just got her back. He had big plans for the future they had together. Tonight was just the beginning of it all.

" Shut up, and let's go." He mumbled bitterly. Her laugh put a tiny smile on his face but he had to cover it up and act as if he was annoyed with her antics. She interlocked their hands together and lightly swung them back and forth as they walked.

They arrived on the beach where the clan's artist sat. His parents and siblings were there, along with Koänä's family. Rotxo stood by his family as well, at this point if anyone asked if Rotxo was their sibling, they would say yes. Clan members had gathered around the small area so they could watch the foreigner receive the tattoo. Ronal gestured for Koänä to lay down in front of the artist and so she slowly did. Koänä was extremely confused as to why she'd need to lay down to get the tattoo.

The words Tonowari was saying became drowned out once the needle pricked her skin. It didn't hurt as much as she thought it was going to hurt. It almost felt like a baby thanator nipping at you. When Koänä was first introduced to the animal, a baby had bit her. Jake and Neytiri thought the young girl would scream bloody murder but she only yelled at it in Na'vi, shoving the small animal away.

" She'll look weird with a tattoo.." Lo'ak teased from the sidelines. He said it loud enough so that Koänä could hear. She turned her head to her little brother with a glare on her face. 

" You could only wish that was you." Kiri scoffed at Lo'ak. All of the family cracked up a bit at that while Lo'ak discreetly flipped Kiri off with a roll of his eyes.

Koänä genuinely couldn't tell how much time had passed since she was laying there. The pain eventually became more and more bearable so it wasn't a huge fuss to her. Her back had just become very sore. She'd occasionally catch the eye of the boy she's oh so fond of and they'd share smiles. At one point she had heard Neteyam gag and mumble something about " They keep sending each other lovey dovey eyes". If Koänä wasn't lying down and getting a tattoo she would have laughed and then slapped her brother.

" Done."

Those were the first words she had heard in a while. Everyone looked toward the girl on the ground with curiosity. What was the tattoo? What would it look like? Was it pretty at least?

And it was. The tattoo was a gorgeous spiral that circled around the wound that Koänä had developed from the bullet. Neytiri and Jake both stared down at their daughter with tears in their eyes. It was an emotional moment for many reasons. The tattoo signified she had lived, that she was officially one of the people of the sea clan, and especially that she fought long and hard for her family.

Koänä looked down at the tattoo with a smile on her face. She felt proud of herself. The girl fought hard during the battle and the fact she was being rewarded with such a prize was beyond her. She felt beautiful as she embraced her new tattoo. The spirals were gorgeous and sharp. They trailed up her side and onto the back of her shoulder.

She looked to Trítön to see him already staring at her with full 100% love in his eyes. Her heart nearly dropped down to her stomach once she saw the tears in his beautiful ocean blue eyes. He continued to just stare at her with a smile now on his face. The words that Ronal and Tonowari were shouting in the back about her didn't matter. All she could focus on was this one boy.

It felt like everything clicked into place for Koänä. It all just made sense now.

I am in love with Trítön... 

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑬𝒏𝒅 


alrighty! first things first, thank you so much for reading this book. 

I know I'm not the best writer but I love the comments and seeing what you guys think!! I understand there wasn't an awful lot of koä and her ocean boy in this book because I was really devoted to showing how close she was with her family before I sort of move into a Trítön based book where we won't be getting as much family time/chapters. 

Y'all may hate me for this but my Lo'ak book will be completed and finished before I post the Trítön and Koä book </3 I haven't done an insane amount of writing for the Lo'ak book either so please don't think you guys will receive the sequel in like 2 weeks. it'll take me a little bit. 

anyways, once again thank you so much! I'm so glad I got to see you guys love koänä as much as I do. she's the best oc I could have ever written and I love her, truly. and I love you all. <3 

this is stage one Koänä signing out! 

With all my love, 

naya <3 

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