❀ 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒔𝒊𝒙 ❀

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It had been a few days since Koänä arrived and like every day Koänä had woken up to Tuk jumping beside her and chanting her name. " Tuk, please, let me sleep."

Neytiri almost grinned at her daughter's groaning. Tuk only laughed and continued. Koänä rose from her spot and stared down at Tuk with no emotion.

" Island life starts early, sis." Neteyam told her, walking by and handing her some food. Koänä looked down at the fish and fruit with a look of denial on her face.

" Do I really have to eat this?" She mumbled.

" Eat fast. Trítön is waiting for you." Neytiri spoke up. The boy had been teaching her the way of the Metkayina people the past couple of days but they really only covered breathing and how things worked there.

Koänä's eyes snapped to her mother. She handed the plate to Tuk and grabbed the fruit with her hands before walking out of the pod. She heard her family laughing back inside but she ignored them with a flushed look on her face. Koänä put some of the fruit into her mouth, her eyes widened before putting more in.

" You seem to be enjoying that." A deep voice spoke behind her.

Koänä froze in her spot. She slowly turned around to see a very amused Trítön looking at her. She swallowed the remains of the fruit before nodding.

" It was good?" She said but it came out more of a question. The boy chuckled and began walking beside her.

" I was thinking we could start with the ilu. I'm sure you would love a tsurak but we should begin with something more gentle." He explained.

" I don't mind rough." She said, not taking her eyes off of the scenery. Koänä slowly came to terms with what she had said when Trítön laughed from beside her. " I did not mean it like that."

" I'm sure you didn't, Koänä." He teased looking at her with a smirk. The girl bit back a smile and shoved him to the side lightly.

The two walked to the beach in silence. Koänä was taking in the completely different environment. Everything was run so differently here, it amazed her to no end. While she was looking around, Trítön could not seem to take his eyes off of her. The way she smiled at young children and their parents when they gave her nothing but judgemental stares, or the way her hand would brush up against his unintentionally when they got too close. It made him feel like he couldn't breathe properly. It made him feel like he was in a whole new universe.

When they got to the beach they got into the water and Trítön called for the ilu. Koänä tilted her head, side eyeing the boy with heat rushing to her cheeks.

He made a noise. Why are you freaking out about a noise?

She asked herself inside her head.

An ilu swam up them and Trítön began to gently rub the top of its head with his hand. The ilu nudged its head up into his hand more and he chuckled.

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