❀ 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝒇𝒊𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒆𝒏 ❀

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Koänä and Trítön quickly swam away into a plant that had an air pocket at the top.  She dropped the tracker close to the bottom of the spot the ilu had been hit and swam after Trítön. They raised above the water, both gasping for air.

" Koänä, I like you." Trítön blurted out the moment he regained his breath.

Koänä turned to look at the boy in astonishment. How could he be telling her this right now?! This boy never seemed to not surprise her with the things he does. It was extremely confusing and slightly aggravating.

" Okay first off, I like you as well," He smiled widely at her but she held her hand up. His smile dropped. " Second, this is not the time to be telling me this!"

Her whisper yell was very aggressive and slightly caught him off guard. It was his turn to look at her in astonishment. He was trying to make the situation better! This girl never seemed to not surprise him with how she handles things.

Koänä felt her face drop as she heard the screams of Tuk. Trítön seemed to feel the same way as he heard the screams of Tsireya. She looked at him with fear in her eyes. It was the first time she's ever looked vulnerable in front of him. It slightly scared him. 

" Deep breaths, Koä. We got this." He assured her and showed her how to properly do deep breaths with a calm look on his face even though he was also freaking out.

Koänä took a deep breath before diving under the water and swimming away from the plant. Trítön followed right behind her and grabbed her hand, helping her swim. She saw the giant sky ship a while away but she knew that was where Tuk and Tsireya had been taken.

" The ship. We need to go there." Koänä signed to him and he tilted his head.

" We will be spotted right away. We need to go farther down." He signed back to her.

They had seen the light of the submarine coming close and both swam down deeper, blending in with some of the plants. She glanced at Trítön, seeing the boy on the opposite side of her. He gave her a nod which slightly calmed her down. A stray ilu swam past them, an idea popping into Koänä's head. She looked at Trítön and he immediately shook his head viciously.

" Bad. Idea."

Koänä gave him a sorry shrug before swimming after the ilu. She grabbed the ilu's antenna once it came near her. The ilu squirmed and screeched loudly but Koänä was quick enough to hoist her body so that her legs shut on the ilu's mouth, closing it tightly. She grabbed her braid and connected the queues. Koänä closed her eyes and remembered the words Trítön first told her when she made the bond with Nala. 

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