The start of something new

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I open my eyes. My head is pounding. As my eyes adjust to the brightness, I notice something. Buildings, a clock tower. No... it can't be. I get up from the cold, concrete pavement. My legs feel like jelly. This is Tilted Towers. A place in Fortnite, not even in chapter 4. I must be dreaming. This can't be real. I pinch myself on the left arm to notice that I'm not waking up. When the TV was glitching, it took me here. Into the loop. Into the world of Fortnite, that I didn't know was actually real.

I take a few steps. My legs are still jelly-like, and my head is giving me a migraine. There are several people. They aren't fighting, just living normal lives. I look around Tilted Towers. I am actually in Fortnite. This is the weirdest day of my life. I stumble across a tall building. There is a sign that reads, "Resistance." Me being myself, I enter the building.

It is a big space. There are rooms and rooms. I walk down the corridor, which leads me to a wooden double door. I turn the golden door knob and open the door. It creaks loudly. Behind the door, there are several people doing their own thing. Do I speak or stay quiet?
"Hello?" I say quietly. The group stops doing their own thing.
"What are you doing here?" Asks one of the people, a woman glowing with a galaxy effect: Galaxy scout.
"I... just..." I try to say something, but I don't know what to say.
"You're new here, aren't you?" Asks a muscular cat: Meowscles. I nod.
"Yes, I'm new here." I eventually say. The group is still looking at me.
"I thought nobody else could enter the loop. I thought it's been locked down." Says an engineer type woman: Jules. "So, who are you?"
"I'm Caitlin. I don't know exactly why in here, but I think my TV is to blame." I answer.
"We should take you to the leader. He'll know what to do." Says a woman in green: Ramirez. You follow the group to see their leader.

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