The mission

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"Caitlin! Wake up!" Shouts a voice. I open my eyes to see Ramirez looking afraid.
"W-what's happening?" I ask, still half asleep.
"We gotta go." She answers. I sprint out of my bedroom and follow the others outside. It is chaos. Bombs are being set off, and IO guards are shooting at us. I have nothing to fight with. I notice a gun on the floor dropped by a downed guard. I pick it up. An assault rifle, the metal is cold to the touch. I aim the gun at a guards head and press the trigger.


The guard falls and shatters into millions of tiny blue cubes when he hits the ground. I actually defeated one. There are still many more. They have big, shadow helmets and thick armour. More armour than the recent guards had. I aim the gun and shoot, but their armour is too strong. No gunshots go through. The bullets bounce off their armour.
"They're too powerful!" Shouts Meowscles.
"Use your abilities." Says Midas.
"Yes, sir." Meowscles answers.
I watch as the team attack using powers that I never knew they had. All I have is my gun. The team takes a few guards down, and I try to fight along. Click, click. ,my gun's not reloading. I'm out of ammo.

I hide behind a broken car and spectate. The team's powers are amazing. If only you could use them in the game. They knock down many guards, and blue cubes shatter everywhere like glass. We're winning. I decide that I should help; not just watching the battle. I decide to use my fists.

I run up to a guard and punch him in the chest. My fists are in pain from the contact of the hard armour. It didn't work. The guards surround me, guns pointing at me.
"Put your hands in the air!" Demands one of the guards. I put my bruised hands in the air, hoping they don't shoot. Another guard grabs me violently and handcuffs me. They're making me their prisoner.
"Let go!" I scream, struggling to escape. They punch me, knocking me out cold.

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