The getting to know

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I follow the others into a large lounge room. They sit themselves down and do their own thing. I sit down on a beanbag next to Peely and start speaking.
"So, what does the Resistance even do anyway?" I ask. If I'm here, I need to know.
"We're basically a crime fighting group." Fade answers. "We just help to fight the Imagined Order." I remember the imagined order from playing Fortnite. They don't seem like the friendliest of people.
"OK, but how am I supposed to fight a group of villains without any experience?" I ask.
"Practice. That's what we've been doing." Says Drift. Practice, what am I supposed to do to practice? I'll think about that later.

I talk to the group and get to know them. They are each as unique as each other. At least I know more about them. I learnt these things:

1. Peely can't talk.
2. Renegade Raider has anger issues.
3. Drift is also from Earth.
4. Ramirez is making a swimming pool for the Resistance building.
5. Jules and Fade are a couple.
6. Meowscles has a family.
7. Galaxy Scout guarded the zero point once.
8. I don't see Midas much.

Everyone seems pretty nice. It is getting late, the light of the moon is peekng through the curtains. I'm tired. It's been a long day.
"Follow me to your bedroom." Says Midas. I have a bedroom here? I follow Midas to an empty room at the end of the hallway. There are only a bed and drawers. It needs decorating.
"You'll stay here for now. Remember, tomorrow is the mission." Says Midas before shutting the door. I lay in the bed, my body sinking into the mattress. When will I go home? I don't know. For now, I'll just stay here. In the Fortnite world. In a bedroom. In a building. With new friends.

I doze off to sleep.

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