The prison

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I open my eyes and notice that I'm in some sort of prison. The doors are locked, and there is no way to exit. I wipe the blood from my nose and look around to notice that Galaxy Scout, Drift, and Ramirez have been captured, too. They are still unconscious. As I peek through the metal bars, I see  that I'm in a hideout, their logo reading "Imagined Order." I'm inside the Imagined Order's hideout. Guards are all over the place, with guns bigger than the ones the guards were using outside.
"Hey!" I get their attention. "Why have you locked me here!" The guards don't respond, I don't think they can hear me. I try to awaken the other prisoners, but they are too unconscious.

A few minutes pass, and I'm sitting down on the stone cold floor, waiting for something to happen. A guard walks towards the cell.
"Why have you locked me here?" I ask again, this time hoping for an answer.
"The Resistance shall be defeated." Answers the guard before walking away, leaving me alone in the cell.

I wait for the others to wake up. We could all try to break out together. Hours pass, and I'm still waiting. The cell is in poor condition. It is cold, it is dark, the walls are dirty, the ceiling is dripping with water, the ground is uncomfortable to sit on, and there isn't any food or drinkable water. I hear shuffling to notice that the others are awakening.
"What happened?" Asks Galaxy Scout.
"Where are we?" Asks Ramirez. They look around and notice what is happening.
"Not the IO again." Says Drift. Everyone else gets up and looks around. They check for an exit. Nothing.
"How long were we out for?" Asks Galaxy Scout.
"About a couple hours." I answer. "The guards left. There is no exit because I checked."
I attempt to open the door one last time, nothing.
"So, we're trapped here?" Asks Ramirez. I nod.
"For now." I answer. "But we will escape."

It's been 8 hours now. The cell is dark by the night. I can't see anything, not even my hand in front of my face. The crisp wind is blowing into the cell through the metal poles of a window. It makes me shiver. Will I get out of this place? Galaxy Scout is meditating, and Ramirez and Drift are finding ways to escape. Suddenly, I hear footsteps approaching the cell. The door opens. Guards.
"What do you want?" Asks Drift.
"We are taking the young female." Says a guard. He grabs hold of my arm with a painfully tight grip.
"Get off me!" I shout. I kick the guard in the leg, but more guards grab hold of me. They drag me out of the cell.

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