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Jay Jo was a 13-year-old boy who loves his uncle dearly, his uncle was Mahon Jo, a world-class professional cyclist, he was the one who inspired Jay on riding a bicycle. At the time, Jay had no goals of his own, only the ones place on him by his parents. Mahon told him that it was his dream to stand on top of everyone and the world and told him that nothing was impossible.

Jay watched him win the Tour De France and believed that nothing was impossible. Jay deeply respects Mahon and believes that he never willingly doped in a match.

Until Mahon was said to doped in a match, others were mad, upset, and felt betrayed. Others didn't believe it, especially people who Mahon was close with, who he helped, and who he loved.

2 days later after the 'doping' of Mahon Jo, he died in a car accident, some say it was a suicide, and some say he was drunk while driving.

Jay was in denial at that time, he didn't believe that his uncle, the person he loved and respected, died.

A week later, Jay's parents decided to move to England, to try and move on after Mahon's death.

As they were unpacking, Jay saw 2 kids, playing. They have blonde hair and blue eyes.

Jay shooked his head and continued to carry the boxes inside.

Everything was doing fine, well... except for Jay, he was quiet REALLY quiet, he didn't even bother to talk with his parents, he only talks to them if it was about school or stuff for him in the future.

Jay was always the top 1 in his class, everyone admired him. They wanted to be friends with him since his the top 1. Jay knew they wanted to be friends with him just so that he can let them copy his homework.

After school, Jay went to the park, he doesn't want to home, for now. That's where he saw a kid, probably the same age as him, who was sitting alone up the slide. He ignored her and continued to walk away.

But he stopped when he heard the child sobbing.

He sighed and turned around, and went up the slide.

"Hey," Jay called out.

The child slowly looked at him, Jay sat in front of her, and asked, "What's wrong?"

The child was hesitant but answered the question, "I'm... lost... I can't find my parents..." the child sobbed.

Jay stood up and looked around, no one but the two was there, he sighed again and gave her a lollipop. The child slowly accepted it.

"Let's get you calm down and tell me how you lost your parents," he stated. The child nodded as she ate the candy.

Soon, she was coughing and she spat the lollipop.

"WHAT WAS THAT!?" she blurted.

"Wasabi lollipop," Jay responded. "I DIDN'T KNOW THAT THIS EVEN EXISTED!!" she blurted again.

"of course, this existed, I even got them in Korea," he said.

"You're from Korea?" she asked in surprise.


After a long awkward silence, Jay spoke, "So... are we gonna find your parents or not?"

"...alright," she responded.

As the two went together to find the child's parents, they were starting to have fun, talking about riding a bike, the wonders of being a cyclist, and having fun without care.

It was getting dark, and they haven't found the child's parents.

Until they heard a shout from the distance.

Eternal Love {Jay's harem?) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now