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The breeze gently swayed his hair as he was riding his bike, he wasn't swift yet he wasn't slow. He closed his eyes to feel the wind. 

"You'll fall if you close your eyes, Nerd," an auburn-colored hair spoke. Jay took a peek at him. The person's appearance is with auburn-colored hair shaved at the sides and arched eyebrows. 

"What are you doing here, Minu?" 

Minu Yoon. A son of a wealthy man. He attends Sunny Hight school with Jay. He met him when Jay used to skid from a hill. He was amazed. He didn't know that Jay Jo, his class president, knew how to ride a bike.

"It's a public road! anyway, How about a race?" he requested. Jay sighed as he thought of Noah and Owen. The two will never get tired of asking Jay for a race. 

Jay and Minu stopped. Minu let out a laugh. "Haha... I know you're tired from studying, Jay, I'll let you rest, and you should enjoy your time here in Korea!" 

Right. It's been 7 months now since he move back here. A week since he met Minu, 2 days when Minu was completely homeless. He wondered what was happening in England right now. 

"You're dazing off again, Jay. And why do you always look at the sky when dazing off? Do you feel like a main character or something?" he asked cheekily. Jay gave him a blank face. 

Jay took out his wasabi lollipop and held it like a cigar. Minu made a disgusted face. "How do you eat calmly in that THING!?" 

Jay gave him a glare, "First of all, I'm used to it, and it tasted delicious. Second, keep your mouth shut, before I kick you out of my house." 

Minu went silent and just gave the nod in response. Jay looked at the setting sun before leaving. "Hey! Wait up!" Minu called out.


He wondered how he became close with a rich homeless man, and a gangster who is currently a simp for the "rich homeless man's" sister. And the two were currently in his room. 

"Why are YOU guys doing in my room? I understand that Minu has been living with me but Dom you too?"

"Oh come on, Jay. I'm a friend too-" "you are not."

Silence. Dom looked at him with a shocked face. "Since when am I not!?" Another Silence before Jay glared at the two. 

A knock came on the door and he opened it, there stood his younger brother looking at him. "What?" 

"Can you guys shut up? I'm trying to watch TV," he slammed the door. 

"Dang. What's wrong with your brother's attitude?" Dom asked, "the two are siblings... same personality and faces." 

Dom grinned and made what it seems to be 'puppy eyes.' "Hey, Jay... Can I stay here tonight-" 

Before he knew it, he was already outside. 'WTF!?'


The next day came fast, literally. 

Jay rides his bike again, passing through a moving bus.

"Yo, the bike is faster than a bus?"
"Should I ride a bike too?"

But one person wasn't on the bike's attention. It was the one who rode it.

'Jay rides a bike?"


'The headmaster too!?'

On his way to school, he also saw the headmaster riding a bike. 

"A wonderful morning right, boy?" he spoke. "H-, Hello, Headmaster.

The headmaster laughed, "As expected from our school's student council president, you're energetic first thing in the morning!!"

"Headmaster, you ride a bike to school as well?" Jay asked. "A real man should definitely ride a bike to school," the headmaster winked at him.

"Ah... I see..."

"Besides, riding fast is fun, but you know that being careful and riding safely is of the utmost importance, right?" he peeked at Jay, "since bike riders are a nuisance and aren't welcome on either streets or sidewalks, they've got to ride with extra attention." 

"The reality is that even bike roads aren't safe riding on." He grinned, "Oh my~ this old man rambled on too long. Should we hurry to school?"



The two arrived at the school.

"Why is it so noisy this early in the morning?" the headmaster smiled. 

"AHAHAHA! You've arrived, headmaster? I'm just checking this kids' attire!" he said while still holding Jay's classmate, "headmaster-..." he mumbled.

"All of our fashionable guys are gathered here, I see! He grinned widely at the crying kids. "Your fashion sense brings individuality to our school! Keep up the good work! Now, everyone off to class!"


"BASTARDS!!!!!!" "FREEDOM!!!!"

"Um. Headmaster, you have a lecture this morning."


"It's bothersome today, so let's just do it with tok!" He laughed, "yes... I underst- WHAT??!!!!"


Time Skip.

After school, Jay was putting on his gloves, when all of a sudden, Dom reaches out to Jay.

"Hey, Jay! Can I ride it just once?" he asked, but Jay already went on his way.


In the end, there is a flat tire. 

"Should I fix that shitty bike for you?" a new familiar voice appeared, "I almost didn't recognize you because of the glasses."

" 'sup?" it was TJ Kim. He was the reason why Minu and June left the Zephyrus crew. 

Eternal Love {Jay's harem?) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now