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As Dom was walking home, he spotted Jay with 3 teens, they might attend different schools, considering their attire. 

He scratches his cheek, curious. He witnessed one of the teens kick Jay's bike. Receiving a punch from Jay. Dom stood there in disbelief. 

Soon all Dom heard was swearing and beating. 

"That's enough," Dom spoke. All the attention from Jay was now on Dom. "What?"

Dom glared at them. "Who's that bastard?" Taejin spoke. 

"Wimpy Bastards. Are you mob packing 3 to 1 or something?" Dom grinned widely, dropping his bag. "Let me in on it too."

"This crazy bastard has a death wish," Taejin mumbled. "Taejin, Wait!!" He was stopped by one if his men. "F-ing what?"

"T-... Taehin, let's stop here and go..." he said, "what??"

He whispered something to Taejin, and the other mumbled, "Taejin... he's dangerous..."

Taejin was suddenly scared, he gritted his teeth and glared at Jay one last time. " Tch... In any case, I don't like any of Sunny high's bastards."

"Hey, jerk. Consider yourself lucky for meeting your friend. Let's go, guys!"

W-what!? You're going just like that?" Dom shouted. "Ah... what the hell? they got scared and ran away... so this is what Haki is..."

He reaches a hand for Jay, "are you alright, Jay?" Jay stands up, "I'm fine, so mind your own business and just go."

"Gosh! Everyone around me are all tsunderes." Dom scratches his head.


"Minu, let's go Karaoke!" a girl said, "Minu, are you good at singing?" Minu spotted Taejin.

"And here's a casanova. Just what I'd expect from a rich young master," he laughed. "Must be because you're a rich, rich bastard that you're able to go around on both arms like that... must be nice~"

"Yoo~hoo I'm jealous, Damn."

"Ah~ when will we ever get to play with girls like that?" "Sunny high's bastards are all jerks." he whistled.

"What's with those delinquents? what jerks," the girl said.

Minu stopped when he saw Jay with Dom. Still, why does he feel... mad? He gritted his teeth and stormed off. Leaving the girls yelling at him


"With your bike broken and you injured like that, can you get back home? Should I see you off?" Dom suggested. 

"Hey! what happened!?" 

Dom and Jay peeked at the person who shouted. It was Minu.

"What? What's with your face? did you fight with someone?" he reached out to Jay's face only to be smacked by Jay's hand. "Feisty."

"Some guys were mob-picking on him, so I ended the fight," Dom said proudly. 

"What guys?"

"Having fun? Just mind your own business and go."

Minu bowed. "I'm really sorry. Because I needlessly involved you in my past crew, things got-..." 

"It's fine, so don't bother me with your crew again." Jay walked past him. "And besides," he looked at Minu, "you shouldn't apologize for something that you didn't do. You're not in that crew anymore, so don't apologize." 

Minu stood there in disbelief. Jay was walking a bit fast from there. Minu got back to his senses and shouted, "Alright. I got it, so let's go to a pharmacy and get some ointment for your wounds first."

"I'm fine so just go."

"Ah!! You fucking stubborn bastard, really! Then, let's go together. I'll see you off!" 

"Stop bothering me."

"Ah, you really don't listen to others don't you?!"

Dom sighed as he scratched his head. Then, he went to Jay. He smacked the injured male on the back of his shoulder.

"CRAZY BASTARD!!" Minu yelled. "This is nothing compared to how much I get hit by Yuna..." Minu was speechless for a moment. "Hey!! What the hell did you do?!" 

"It looked like you two would fight all day if I did nothing," he grabbed Jay by his leg. "Anyway, I'll carry him so bring his bike along." 

Minu stared at them for a moment. "Hey." Dom glanced at him. "I'll carry him, and you'll bring his bike." 

Dom shrugged and handed Jay to Minu. 

Now, Minu was carrying Jay in bridal style. "You two looked like a couple..." 

Minu ignored him, only focusing on the injured male's breathing.

Eternal Love {Jay's harem?) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now