Chapter 4

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Beatstar: Wave! oh where did that little rascal go?

Viviana: We searched all over the jungle, there's no sign of him

*Rosetta's eyes widen and she looks around nervously*

Rosetta: I...think he's just swimming in a secret pond that he knows about but we don't know about

Alberto: Oh yeah that makes sense, he's always swimming around there whenever he feels like being alone

Beatstar: I mean usually when he wants to be alone, he would just tell us and not y'know hide it

Alberto: Or maybe...he wanted to talk to his secret crush >:3

Viviana: Really? oh that's so exciting! my grandson already has a crush!

Viviana: Maybe I'll get to have great-grandkids! and if it's also possible, I'd LOVE to see rosetta have kids

Rosetta: Grandma!

Alberto: I mean she's not wrong X3

*Then rosetta hears laughing coming from far away*

Rosetta: Uh hey guys, I gotta go 

Beatstar: Where are you going?

Rosetta: It's uh...It's very imporant Ali-human/sea monster hybrid stuff 'kay bye! *dashes away*

Alberto: Wow, rosie's acting really strange

Beatstar: Yeah...or maybe she's going to hang out with her friends

Alberto: Yeah that sounds plausable :3

Alberto: Now let's continue looking around for wave

*Alberto, Beatstar and Viviana continue to look for wave*


*Ember and Wave were sitting in a field laughing*

Ember: Oh my gosh wave, you're so funny X3

Wave: Ah well I am a pretty fun guy to be around so yeah X3

Ember: *sighs softly* Y'know I'm really glad you chose to stay with me for a while, Truth is if you left early I would've missed you...

*Wave blushes slightly*

Wave: Really?

Ember: Yeah 

Rosetta (Hiding in a bush): Hey wave!

*Wave yelped in surprise when he saw rosetta in the bush*

Ember: Wave are you okay?

Wave: Y- yeah! I'm good

*Ember sees rosetta*

Ember: Whoa whoa whoa! what is that?

Wave: Right, so anyway, Ember, this is Rosetta Scorfano, the first Sea Monster-Ali-human Hybrid and My older sister

Rosetta: *Crawls out of the bush* 'Sup?

Ember: Wave I had no idea you had a sister!

Wave: Yeeeah...And rose you know emmy

Rosetta: Oh yeah, wave told me about you

Ember: Really?

Rosetta: Yeah, he told me you were an angel >:3

Wave: Rose! 0////////0

Rosetta: What?

Ember: *Blushes* Aw wave you're so sweet X3

Rosetta: X3 Oh and by the way wave, Mom, dad and Grandma are looking for you

Wave: Is bruno with them?

Rosetta: Nope

Wave: Well that's good to know

Ember: Who's bruno?

Rosetta: Oh he's our dad's father and ugh- We HATE his guts

Wave: Yeah

Ember: Why?

Wave: Well he has a thing against pop trolls and neither of us know why

Ember: Wow he sounds like a jerk

Rosetta: Oh trust us, he IS a jerk

Rosetta:...Buuuut if you'd like to you can come visit us

Ember: Well I wish I could but my dad would boil you guys ALIVE if he saw any of you hurt me or if I was out too late

Rosetta: Strict dad?

Ember: Well I wouldn't say strict, he's more overprotective

Ember: But wave never scratched or bit me once

Wave: Exactly, I'm a gentle boi

Rosetta: Clearly, but anyway ember if you still wanna come along, the opportunity's still there

Ember: Okay but how about tomorrow?

Rosetta: Hmm...okay tomorrow sounds good :3

Rosetta: Soo...what were you guys up to earlier?

Ember: Oh! wave just told a funny joke, wave tell her the joke!

Wave: Ah okay, so my therapist told me to put a fish tank in my living room to ease stress and anxiety and he said it would help because of their "indoor-fins"!

*Ember bursts into laughter*

Ember (Laughing): Isn't he the funniest thing?

Rosetta:...Ohh! I get it! "Indoor-fins" sounds a bit like "Endorphins"! I get it now!

Wave: Yeah X3

Rosetta: Did you come up with that yourself because that is incredible!

Wave: Yeah, I know it's pretty funny X3

Rosetta: *giggles*

Rosetta: Well *stands up* we better get going *pulls wave along by his arm* C'mon romeo

Wave: Okay rose *waves goodbye to ember* See you later!

*Ember giggles and waves godbye to wave as well*

"Together Forever..." (Wave X Ember)Where stories live. Discover now