Blake || Relax

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Pairing: Blake x Female Reader
Genre: Angst/Fluff
Story: Billionare Girls fight for me. I'm a poor guy (
Word Count: 1249

com/watch?v=XVskHDZZoxE)Word Count: 1249

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(Y/N)'s Point of View

"Are you seriously still going to complete all that homework!?" I sighed in annoyance while sitting down beside him. This guy's name is Blake, a guy I was surprisingly able to befriend due to my intelligence and passive nature. We're quite different in terms of social class, his father being rich and owning the school and such while I'm a middle class student who got lucky to get a scholarship to such a prestigious school so it still flabbergasts me. Honestly, Blake's really arrogant. At school he used to constantly hate and pick on Tom and other people, but he seemed to have tone it down a lot because classes have gotten rough and our projects are really tough this year. I'm not glad for all this stress however I'm relieved he won't be trying to bully people for some petty reason.

"Go away, I'm almost done." he mumbled, his bloodshot eyes focused on the paper and clearly putting focus on writing. It was around 10pm, we've both been studying and doing homework for the past hours and it's been exhausting. Although it's hard to sometimes, I've learnt to take breaks and to rest every now and then. But Blake is an idiot and doesn't follow that rule. "Just... one more."

"Guess what, dimwit? You've been at it for hours. I kept trying to make you at least drink water or grabe a bite to eat, yet you keep disregarding me!" I snapped. "I know it's annoying for me to constantly ramble on about this, but I would shut up if you actually listened. What good will it be if you exert focus on 100% your academics?"

"I need to put a good image for my father, damn it!" Blake turned away from the paper and went to face me. "My marks aren't reaching his standards, he keeps raising them higher and higher. I need to catch up, my grades aren't even that good lately either!"

I was caught off guard, not expecting that response. "Really? You're that dumb? Dude, in every class you're apart of the top 5 stud—"

"Look, Tom isn't always number one. You'v beat him multiple times in a lot of our tests and quizzes, it is true he's quite hard-working and I really commend him for being so diligent with his studies but that doesn't mean he's a superhuman unable to do mistakes or to get exhausted." I paused and sigh. "And that applies to you. You aren't some robot who can always produce perfect results to your family."

"Even knowing that, Father clearly knows about it. But does that remove the pressure? Nope. Instead, he continues! He puts unto me piles, piles and more piles of work! From how he and my family feel so distant from me, it's gotten to the point where I berate others just to quickly feel better about myself!" Blake's face went pale when he realized what he cried out, and went back to his work. "Forget what I said, Father won't be happy if he finds out I told you that or any of this."

"Blake, please. Just one break and I won't ask for anything else today. We aren't that close in terms of friendship but that doesn't mean I can't worry about you, I'm sure your other friends worry as well." I was losing my temper, yet I decided to shove it down. I felt really, really bad for him. His family situation gotten so bad it ended with him taking his insecurities out on others. I gently put my hand on his shoulder. "For god's sake, just quit for maybe 10 minutes?"

"Why do you care, (Y/N)?" he looked at me again, no longer angry but now seemingly sad instead. "I even bullied you in the past when you first came here, especially getting mad when you'd get higher scores than me on a few tests! Don't you... remember how I kept doing that everyday and tagging my friends into doing it with me? Why are you even tolerating me?"

"It's simply because I believe in second chances. What you guys did still hurts and affects me 'till this day and won't be something I'll ever forget, but I guess I thought you guys had a reason for doing this. Even if it was just petty reasons, we're all young and do stupid stuff and that's what make us people. We do dumb activities, laugh it off but when we get older we realize how bad it really was. So, not to say I trust you but I do feel glad you've stopped bullying others. Even if it's because of classes being tedious lately." I felt now nervous while talking, hoping he won't take offense or find me weird from what I just said.

He goes quiet for a long time, before getting up to keep his papers to the side. "Sorry, I'll stop for today." Blake replied, then sitting back down.
I felt happy and got up from my chair. "Do you want a drink or anything? I can brew you one right now." Hopefully, this could help make him feel better. As much as I'd like to continue trying to help him, I don't know if he'd even accept this help. He just nods while I quickly left to prepare a simple drink.

Shortly, I came back with a small cup of tea and placed it on the table. "Here, I didn't know what you liked so I just made the usual tea you always prefer." He gets the cup, mumbling a small thanks before taking a sip. "I hope you take what I said into consideration though, it's not just me who's worrying about you."

He doesn't reply and I don't think much of it, he is tired after all. I'm exhausted too, both from studying, school and well worrying for this little idiot. We were just quiet and doing our own thing, until I felt weight press on my legs.
I turned to see his resting on my lap as he seemed to have been dozed on, his chest softly rising up and down while I feel my face heat up. My god, what do I even do about this situation!? I can't just...wake him up though, he's been needing to relax and although I'm glad he's getting sleep him resting on my LAP is still a huge shocker. I try to forget about the whole thing yet I swear I can feel my face continue to get hotter, am I that embarrassed from this?

After a few minutes of scrolling through my phone, I seemed to have calmed down a bit and went to stare at Blake. His peaceful face still asleep, he looks cute when he actually keeps his mouth shut every now and then and actually listens. What? Hm, probably just me thinking about that since I'm tired. I gently caress his cheek, doing it in a soft manner so he won't wake up. I don't remember what happens next though because I felt myself drifting off until I, too, was sleeping...

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