One Night Only

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The day starts off a normal Friday.

I get up in the morning and I put on my blue and gold dolphin athletics uniform and put my braids into a tight ponytail, I make sure to put my accessories and clothes for the day, for after practice my bag.


Already knowing it's Alexis at the door I hop down the stairs and grab my keys off the hook. I open the door to find not just Alexis but also her cousin Landon.


I try to hide my scowl but I can't help it.
Alexis jumps in and says " I told him we could give him a ride if that's ok?"

I quickly plaster a smile and I reply as contently as I can. "Oh my gosh no it's no problem really I don't even really care."


I elbow him in the arm and smile "No problem at all?" "No problem at all " What the fuck was that why did do that oh my god that was so cringe-worthy ugh I can't even deal.

We get to school and I rush to the locker room to put my stuff up to avoid any awkward conversations. I meet Alexis and Gigi in the gym and stretch before heading out to the track.

Lexi whispers to my side "Hey so really thank you for giving him a ride I know it still isn't easy for you so really thanks"

Before I say anything Coach Oskar yells over me

"2 miles head out to the track now!" I shrug and run out.

"Ah, the track" I don't know it's some type of natural release when I'm running especially through the woods. I just feel a connection to nature and everything I know it sounds dumb but it's my only escape just running through the woods instead of actually dealing with my problems makes me feel better or just laying out there for forever just makes everything alright. But that's beside the point. I get up to the line


"Clock starts now!"

I get started and I just let it all out.

As the first period ends I am as sweaty as a hog, and out the corner of my eye I see Alexis running to catch up with me "Hey I know this morning was no problem and all but really thank you for letting him ride with us and all-knowing our history"

Hmm, our History ha that's funny ok so fast-forward to maybe 5 to 6 years ago the start of Middle school Alexis and her family have been living next door to me for as long as I can remember and we've been friends for longer all of us, I Alexis and Landon that is until around the middle of middle school Landon started hanging out more often Quincy is a player and a stoner type.

He rubbed off on Landon, I told him over and over that Quincy's a bad influence. But, a couple of years later on my 13th birthday, Landon and Quincy come high out of their minds on who knows and left some of their drugs at my house and my dad (Step but the only person I ever truly considered a dad) found them, you see my dad has tried to go cold turkey with the drugs but the truth is that he's an addict and he couldn't quit. So when he found the drugs, he couldn't control himself he tried I know he did or I have to believe he did that's what I told myself when I found him OD'ing on coke at the bottom of the bathroom floor How do you think it felt for me a newly 13-year-old on my birthday where it's supposed to be a day of celebration of being alive, to find her father dead on the bathroom floor. Landon was my best friend, and I loved him too much to see him kill himself as my dad did so, that was the last straw I cut him off and I haven't talked to him since. It's been about 3-4 years I'm now 16 going on 17. And that day traumatized me so much that thinking about, even seeing his face, makes me want to die.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2023 ⏰

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