Chapter 2: Back Home

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Hallie's POV

"Bye Mum!" I shout through the house.

"Bye Sweetie, I'll see you after the game, good luck! You know I'll be watching!" She shouts as I open the door.

I chuckle as I shut the door behind me and climb into my car.


After just an hour of listening to Taylor Swift I make it to the stadium.

It's only my second game so I'm not likely to start but I love this club already.

I don't talk to anyone unless I have to. Whitney often tries to talk to me, to make me more comfortable but I never spoke to her at college so why would I now?

Once I'm changed and I've got my boots on I go out to warm up and stretch. Liverpool are still yet to pick up a point this season but I'm hoping I can make a change.

Everyone in the line up gathers in the tunnel and walks out with Bonner leading the line.

As I'm sat on the bench I zone out until half time when I look up and see its 0-1. Great.

Katie Zelem makes way as I come on prepared to score goals.

The whistle blows signalling the start of the second half, as Everton charge forward with possession of the ball.

I'm quick to close players down putting the pressure on.

Gemma Bonner receives a loose ball and kicks it up top as I chase it down.

Keeping it in my possession, I weave in and out of the defence looking at my options. I cross it towards the 6 yard box as somebody gets a head on it. I scream out in passion and run towards the mob of players.

This team works hard and shows determination.

Although, Everton are quick to pounce and score from a set-piece conceded by Lucy Bronze.

The whistle blows at the full 90.

I shake hands with the other players, and walk down the tunnel defeated that my debut was a loss.

"Cheer up Whitlock" Lucy says patting me on the back.

"I should be the one cheering you up" I mumble.

When I get to the changing rooms I quickly strip off and head to shower before anyone else gets in.

Once I'm clean, I dry off and go back to my locker.

"Is anyone up for team bonding at my house tonight?" Somebody asks.

I shake my head, uncertain if anyone can see.

"Why not Hallie? I want to learn more about you" I hear Lucy say.

"Not feeling it."

I hear whispers as I grab my stuff and wave before heading out to my car.

A stray tear falls on my lap that I didn't even know existed.

When I get home, my mum is waiting with open arms.

"I'm proud of you baby girl" She kisses my head.

"I know you are mum, I just wish I could of done more." I say saddened.

I put my bag down, close the door and walk through the hall towards the living room.

Flopping down on the sofa, I feel my mum put a blanket over me.

"I love you mum."


After yesterdays 2-2 draw against Doncaster Rover Belles, we're all in recovery.

Most people hate ice baths, but I find they help your body to relax and actually do you good.

When my timer goes off, I grab my towel and dry off.

More of my teammates enter the room smiling as I leave the room.

I still don't speak to them much although I have been to a few team bondings.

"Happy Birthday" Someone says as I look back and smile.

"Thank you!"

Heading to the meal room, I'm the first one there as I grab my food so I head to an empty table.

Shortly after, the rest of the girls file in and grab some food.

Lucy, Gemma, Katie and two other girls I don't recognise come and sit with me.

I smile as they're all in deep conversations. One thing about this team is everyone is so connected. Apart from me I guess.

"Have anything you want to tell us?" Gemma smiles at me.

"It's actually my birthday" I say as I smile back.

Lucy stands up and tells the whole room about it as I sit there turning red, smiling.

"Happy Birthday" I hear multiple people say.

I smile as I think for a minute.

"Lucy, I'm willing to do team bonding at mine tonight?"

"Are you serious?" Lucy asks dumbfounded.

"Serious." I say as I get my phone out to text my mum.

Lucy proceeds to let everyone know as she whispers in my ear, "I'm proud of you."


A couple of hours after training, I let the team into my house reintroducing myself to people I have forgotten.

"You still live with your mum?" Someone asks.

"I'm only 23 and she lives close enough to the grounds, so yes." I say slightly confused to whether its a problem.

" That's cool, I miss my family." Whitney answers.

We all gather round the tv, some on sofas the rest on the floor with blankets as it gets dark.

Lucy picks a Disney movie and of course everyone agreed.

I sat on the sofa with Whitney and Lucy on either side of me.

Half an hour into the movie, I feel Lucy staring at me as I feel my cheeks heat up.

I look towards her as she looks towards my lips.

"You're so pretty to admire." She whispers.

"Shut up and watch the movie." I mumble.

I look back at the screen as she stares for a few more minutes before copying me.

My eyes start to feel heavy as I slowly edge closer to Lucy snuggling into her.

She subtly puts her arm around me, urging me to move closer to her.

She kisses my forehead and whispers, "I'll be here when you wake up."

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