Chapter 9: Winning Ways

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Hallie's POV

Stretching out my legs with Hayley, I realise how close game day is.

"I can't wait to get back out there on the pitch, I haven't played in almost a month."

"You could of accepted the call-up." Hayley mumbles.

"I want to grow my football more, before I take opportunities like that."

"You're football is the best its ever been but I understand."

"Come on girls! Passing drills first!" Mark calls us over.

After laughing,passing and shooting for the past 3 hours I decide I'm going to take an ice bath for recovery.

Ali decides to join me as we sit their in a comfortable silence. When the timer goes off I get up to get out.

Ali grabs my wrist. "Hey Hal, we missed you in Utah."

I send her an apologetic smile before exiting and changing into sweats.

Arriving home, I grab some Goldfish out the cupboard, before heading into bed and snuggling under the covers.


Sitting with my coffee on the bus, I wasn't expecting anyone to sit down next to me. Until Ali got on, and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Not that I don't mind you sitting with me, what about Ash?" I question.

"She'll get over it, I just wanted to be in ur company. Tell you I'm proud of you and how well you're handling your life now. I know you'll play great today, you always do."

"Thanks Ali, I needed that." I say with a smile.

"Good, I take good pride in looking after you here."

"You're only 5 years older than me." I mumble.

"And? Is that a problem?" She questions.

"No." I say kissing her forehead.

"Ash is gonna come after you, if she finds out you did that." Hayley pops up from behind.

"Pipe down Raso."

"Want an earbud?" Ali asks.

"Sure." I reply taking one and putting it in my air.

We had arrived at the stadium, checked the pitch, gotten changed, lined up and walked out the tunnel and done the coin toss.

All that was left was the whistle to blow.

Although, Sky Blue were on the lower end of the table, Spirit knew they weren't going to go down without a fight.

3rd Persons POV

Kelsey, who had started this game over Ashlyn, received the ball from her closest defender. Taking a close look at the players in front of her, she spots Hallie. Booting the ball as hard as she can, Hallie chases it down with O'Hara hot on her heels.

Hallie, taking a glance up notices the keeper off her line. Taking a deep breath, she chips it up and over the keeper, like she had practiced in training.

The crowd roared as Hallie grabbed the ball and ran back to her half, high-fiving her teammates on the way.

Ali shook her head in disbelief.

20 minutes on the clock before the first half ended.

After it was announced, 2 extra minutes would be added on, Megan was quick to win the ball back in midfield.

Urging the attack once more in the first half, Raso continued her run before crossing it into Hallie's path.

Just as Hallie was about to volley the ball, harsh feet come behind her taking her out.

Ignoring the calls of fouls from her teammates, she accepts O'Hara's hand in helping her up.

Hallie smirks at her as she stands behind the ball, Crystal to her side.

Both discussing what tactic they are going to take.

Crystal goes to take a hit before jumping over the ball, letting Hallie release it into the right top corner.

Repeating her 'celebration' she prepares for the restart.

Seconds later, the whistle is blown.

Ali's POV

"What a game Whitlock." I say as we enter the changing rooms after the full-90.

"Couldn't have done it without the rest of my team." Hallie smiles.

I scoff. "Your first goal was a solo run. Your second was a free kick. Your third you won from the defensive half. Do you want me to go on?"

"No I don't. But Kelsey put my first goal on a platter. I couldn't have won the free kick with Hayley's cross or scored it without Crystal's idea. And the third one? Well you could say my teammates encouragement?" Numerous laughs can be heard around the room. "Anyway, we play as a team, we move as a team. It isn't always the goals that are scored."

"Captain material bitch." Kelsey says walking out from her shower.

Hallie scoffs. "As if."

"Have a bit of faith in yourself Hal." I say.

"Anyways," I say to the 6 girls around me. "Drinks at ours?"

"Sure, me and Hayley will follow you guys home?" Kelsey asks.

"Deal." I smile.


Excusing myself to go upstairs and change since it had gotten particularly hot, I changed into shorts and a tank top.

Splashing my face with my water, being careful not to smudge my mascara.

Taking my place on the couch next to Ash again, she pulls me close.

"You guys make me disgustingly cutely sick." Hallie says.

"That's only because you don't have anyone." I say rolling my eyes.

"Maybe I don't want anyone."

"Don't go all, 'wait until you find the right person' on us Ali." Kelsey says.

Hallie laughs. "No because that's totally what you were gonna do."

"Totally was not." I mumble turning my head more into Ash's neck.

"What's your favourite thing about soccer guys?" Crystal asks entering with champagne.

"How I needed one of these." I say whilst taking the glass off of her.

"Football." Hallie mumbles.

"Mine would be the friends I get from it I think. Also enjoying myself and my time on the pitch."

Hayley and me both nod our heads in agreement with Crystal.

"I think I speak for both me and Kelsey but the pride you get from being a goalkeeper. It's definitely not easy."

"I'm grateful you do that job for us Ash, I could never." Hallie says with a laugh before she hums. "Everyone in our team, like to give me questions that make me think." 

I laugh.

She continues. "The opportunities. I think. You could play in so many different continents, countries, leagues, teams. You meet so many new people. I've taken good opportunities in my life, with the new teams I've gone to."

"Wise words like always from Miss Hallie Whitlock." Crystal mocks.

"Have to keep you guys on your toes." Hallie laughs.

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