Chapter 10: Honoured

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Hallie's POV

"Before today's game, we want to honour Hallie Whitlock. She has been with the Spirit since 2015, resulting in 47 goals in 53 games." Someone announces over the stadium. "We will support Hallie's journey with where she chooses to go next. As will the players, who have known Hallie from the start, or the players that have only recently joined."

I smile widely taking in the American crowd one last time.

"I speak for all of Washington Spirit when I say Hallie is a huge asset to this team. She has mentored the rookies, when they first joined but also has continually improved her own skills. We are all so proud of her. Now if you'd like to watch this video."

Ali pops up on the big screen. "Hey Hal!" She says waving. " I had the pleasure of being with you, at the Spirit for the 2015 and 2016 season. You were the light that guided me through. Your way of living your life and playing football, having that perfect balance shocked me. You knew I would be there for you, even when I moved on. I'm proud of you Hallie and I'm sure everyone around you and everyone that supports you is too."

"After Ali left I'd like to say I took her place. In a nice way of course." Shelina laughs. "I became your new prodigy, to keep alive and keep fit. You could say we both did that for each other. Your skills are insane and I hope you carry them to wherever your journey takes you next. Although I think we all know they will."

I wipe a few tears from my face.

"This is my second season with Hallie. She mentored me through both since I'm 10 years younger than her. Yes Hallie you are old." I turn to look at Mal who is in the line next to me laughing. "I still have one more season here, and it's going to be lonely, knowing you were the person that this team needed. You were here when I arrived and I think that's why I'm so not happy to let you go. I love you and how you've brought so many new opportunities to my football career. So thank you." She finishes as I hug her tightly.

"Hey Hallie! I'd like to say I was your backbone in your first season at Washington Spirit. But let's be honest. You were mine." Hayley laughs. "I only had one season with you, but the amount you achieved in that season alone was phenomenal. You are one heck of a player, and I'm glad I could learn a few tricks here and there from you. On a personal note, I'm grateful we've kept in touch. So thank you."

Kelsey begins, "Where do I even begin Hal? Me and you have had this journey together as I'm leaving Spirit this season too. When I went on loan, you were one of the few players that made sure, I wasn't going completely insane. Which I'm glad I didn't because it meant I came back here, to watch you leave this club. Thank you for keeping the ball away from my net, and hounding them into the other one. Training team buddy from day 1." My mouth feels like it's being stretched from how much I'm smiling.

Ashlyn and Crystal both pop up on the screen. "Hi! We're gonna make this quick, since we're last for some reason." The crowd laughs. "Anyway, we were both at the Spirit for your first season. The way you've changed from that shy girl who had no idea what she was doing in America, to a leader who could end up captaining any team one day. Watching you play now, it's like you've brought a whole new level to your game. Don't retreat and become that shy girl again, wherever you go. Be who you are now."

The video ends as I wipe the last few tears off my face. I blow a kiss at the screen before joining the team huddle.

"This is for you." Shelina says shoving the captain armband onto my arm. "Ash didn't think it'd happen this soon."

"Thanks She." I smile.

"No need to thank me, you deserve it. Now quick speech." She replies.

"I don't care if we win or lose today. This whole season we've played together as a team, injuries, cards, arguments. We put them aside and go out onto this pitch and show them who's boss. Don't do it for me, do it for yourselves and your careers. I'm just your captain today, to show you how important it is to enjoy yourselves at the same time. Spirit on 3. 1,2."

"Spirit!" Everyone in the huddle cheers.


"Hallie! Your needed for interviews!" Our media manager shouts into the locker room.

As I exit the locker rooms, I take it all in one last time before taking a seat, in front of some reporters.

The one on my right begins first. "How does it feel to have drew your last game for the Spirit?"

"It's always a good feeling to win. But it's also always a good feeling whenever I get out on that pitch. Win, draw, lose. I love playing with those girls and I love just being able to play football."

"You've played Sky Blue a few times over your career, anything different today?"

"Obviously they built up Kelley O'Hara as a right back. She's with the Royals now but they're still doing a great job. One team has to place 9th and it wasn't us."

"Is there anywhere you want to go next?"

"I'm not giving anything away but I'm definitely not going to be in the NWSL or joining Raso down under." I laugh.

"What's it like to know you have a team and friends that support you that much?"

"It helps, massively. Like Ashlyn said I'm not going to go back into my shell just because I'm joining a new team. I've proven to myself and those girls you saw on the screen that I can do it. Knowing I've impacted their lives is also highly moving to me. I don't necessarily think it's my job, but I like to know I've impacted them in some way."

"That's all we have time for today. Thank you and congrats on your time at Washington Spirit."

"No thank you."

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