General Hamilton (1)

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Philidosia Story

Philip's pov

Eight years... It had been eight years since his father passed. It seemed just yesterday he was in his father's office studying law. He felt so overworked and overwhelmed at the time he wanted to leave it all behind. Now he would do anything to get those moments back. Philip Hamilton had always wanted to make his father proud. His father knew he was destined for greatness and Philip knew he would fulfill it. Now his father was gone and his family hit with a pile of debt. Since Elizabeth hadn't wanted to be remarried, Philip had to be the one to take charge. He worked hard to not disappoint the family. He was able to climb to the top and make himself known. With his skills he landed himself a job as General. What better way to prove yourself than showing your brains, brawns, and devotion to this country?

Theodosia's pov

There was a point and time where the Hamilton's and Burr's used to be neighbors. Theodosia met this boy she had become well acquainted with. She loved her father dearly but couldn't believe when she heard the news. Her father tried dragging her along to Europe to hide with him. She refused. When that didn't work he tried to marry her off to a wealthy man so perhaps her reputation could be salvaged. They ended up staying in America where her father was tried for treason. The charges had been dropped. Ever since then her father insisted she marry someone who could care for her as he was getting old and had little to nothing left. She had seen Alston many times since then but couldn't bring herself to neither agree nor disagree to he marriage. It was only normal a young lady like her to get married to a man of status but... something inside of her knew there was someone else. Someone she had secretly longed for, someone she hadn't seen or heard from for years...

Philip's pov

The pitter patter of horse hooves started to drown out the talking. "Ah, James must be back," Philip said as the sound came to a stop. The door swung open.
"How did it go?" Alex asked.
"Bad. Really bad," James responded. "Well partly bad anyways. I didn't get hired as the inspector for the militia but during that I did get promoted to brigadier general. It isn't what I was attempting but it's fine."
"Then why was it so bad?" asked John
"... Of course they wanted to send the newly hired inspector to check how things were going. He went to bring his daughter along. He should be here soon. He will be staying here."
"Who will be staying here?" Philip asked when suddenly there was a knock at the door. "Come in!"
"Sir, I was sent to inform you the inspector is here. He has just arrived and is asking to meet the General."
"Thank you. If you are headed back there let him know I shall be there in a moment."
"Yes, sir."
"We should get going then shouldn't we?"
"I fear I have paperwork to deal with. I cannot accompany you," replied John.
"I shall go speak with Georges more about the plan while you meet up with the inspector," Alex replied.

Philip made his way out. He realized the man never specified exactly where the inspector had arrived. He didn't need to. Philip noticed men forming a group around a certain area. As he made his way over people began to give him looks. He wondered what the fuss was about as he pushed himself through the crowd until he was face to face with...

"Mr.Burr, It's a pleasure to meet you."
"Likewise, Mr. Hamilton."
Whispers erupted from the crowd surrounding them. Philip knew he had to remain calm. He knew an outburst would create major gossip. He had to-
"Mr.General, as the inspector I am here to report back to Congress how you are running this place. I sure hope you don't do something to tarnish your name. Ah, my apologies I forgot the Hamilton's already have a bad name. Nothing for you to worry about then, huh? I expect to be treated with respect. My daughter shall be staying with me and she will be treated with the most care, comforts, and protection."
A woman appeared behind Burr. Upon this Philip snapped back into reality. He instantly recognized the girl. He always would. "Of course, sir. If all is done I shall show you where you can retire."

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