General Hamilton (2)

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Philip and Theodosia had gotten to know each other very well. It had become a weekly routine to sneak out at night to "catch up." They enjoyed their time together, greatly. Then finally came the day for their plan to be put in motion.
"Be careful," Theodosia said her hand in Philip's.
"You need not worry," he said lifting her hand up to his mouth landing a gentle kiss.

Since it was to be a surprise attack they took only the things needed. They kept the camp up with soldiers to guard it. The plan was still for a battle to happen but they would have the upperhand if they caught them by surprise. While it pained him to do so Philip knew he needed all of his lieutenants. He would make sure to keep a close eye on his brother, Alexander. Since James was a lower rank he worked under Georges. He trusted Georges to look over his brother. And John was simply a journalist. He was not needed for the battle so he stayed back. Philip knew he was going to be needed and he had to put his trust in him. Just in case, he made sure to keep his brother in a position where they would be in a close enough proximity. When everything is ready they set out and get in their positions and everything immediately went wrong. Right as they are about to attack firing comes from behind. They had been found out. The general quickly began yelling out orders. Unfortunately, with the ambush many of the soldiers were quickly separated. He knew he had a job to do but he couldn't help himself. If his brother died what would he do then? It would all be on him and his mother would be absolutely devasted. They would all be devastated. Philip gave command to a trusted man with a lower rank with specific orders. Philip quickly rushed off to find Alexander. He came just in time to see Alex shot right off his horse. Generals only ever carried a pistol and swords to not get distracted. He had no rifle and his defense could be better. As he neared he felt himself falling. He crashed to the ground, his horse had been shot. With only a small distance left he ran as he saw a soldier near his brother. He pulled out his pistol and shot.
"Alex!" Philip said grabbing him in an attempt to put him on his feet. It didn't work. They both stumbled. Philip knew he had to get him out quickly or they would both be shot. He tried again with success this time but Alexander was still a bit wobbly. Coming to his senses they were about to make a run for it to find a horse so they could get back to command Philip noticed someone nearing behind Alex. One shot. A thud. Followed by another gunshot. Philip fell to he ground. "Philip!" Alex said. He got the closest shoulder and ordered him to help carry Philip. Avoiding the gunshots they tried their best to get Philip to a safe place. On a battle field there isn't really anywhere safe to hide. Both very fatigued they decided their best shot was to hide him in a bush. He prayed he would be safe for the remainder of the battle. Alexander knew there was no time to think about it he had to get back to commanding his troops. He tried running but was put to a stop sooner than he'd wish. He was simply too tired. He bent over panting. When he looked up there was a rifle in his face.

Georges de Lafayette pov

Damn it... This hasn't gone as planned at all... His thoughts interrupted as a man came yelling. "Major General Lafayette! The General and his brother are nowhere to be seen. I've come to inform you to take command!" The man said as he passed by on his horse. Georges barley had time to process this information. "Take command" he had prepared for something like this but hearing it was so surreal. He was to take command in situations like this for a reason. He couldn't let himself get distracted regardless of what might've happened.


The battle was a harder win than expected but a win nonetheless. With everyone fatigued they set up camp right where they were. Small celebrations and everyone tended to themselves. Rathbone and Price were already together celebrating their win. Georges made his way over to them.
"Georges!-" Price started.
"Is something the matter?" Rathbone asked.
"Have you not heard?" Georges said. With their questioning looks Georges assumed they hadn't.
"Philip and Alexander. They went missing during the battle. You two haven't seen either of them?"
Rathbone and Price looked at each other with more worried looks now.
"We haven't, but are you sure? Perhaps they just haven't shown up yet." Rathbone said.
"I have been asking but nobody's seen them. What are we supposed to tell their brothers?" Georges said pacing. He was very stressed. He was worried for his friends. If Philip didn't show that would mean he would be the one in charge of all the plans and he knew he couldn't slack off and just wait for Philip to come back. There was a grand weight on his shoulders now. The noise of horse hooves came closer.
"Well you better think of something quick because James is coming," Price said.
"Hey!" James said getting off his horse. "Where are my brothers?" He could tell something was off by the way they were looking at him. "Um, is everything all right?"

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