Complicated Feelings

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[Chaewon's POV]

We went inside the dorm again, we gathered inside as the others welcomed us back in and Eunbi unnie carried the cake to the living room. "Here's to celebrate IZ*ONE's debut!" Eunbi unnie said and we all popped confetti. We all got a slice of cake and sat down in the living room.

"Bro it's like the debut stage took place right after the final episode of Produce 48!" Beomgyu said.

"Tell me about it... Though we spent two hours watching each episode," Taehyun bluntly said.

"Oh come on you liked the show didn't you Taehyun? You were just chilling on the couch watching that with us," Soobin said.

"He's probably trying to deny that he liked it!" Huening Kai said.

"Speaking of which how was Yeonjun hyung as a trainer?" Soobin asked.

"Unlike the other trainers, he gave us positive feedback most of the time and gave us advice to overcome our shortcomings," Minju said.

"He speaks Japanese so well! I felt relieved that he also makes us Japanese idols feel involved!" Nako said.

"It's truly hard fitting in with everyone else but he made us feel more comfortable," Hitomi said.

"He also comes prepared as he's an insane dancer!" Yuri said.

"Even when we feel down he doesn't just give up on us," Hyewon unnie said.

"Now that I think about it, you were voting right Yeonjun oppa?" Yujin asked. Oh no...

"Oh yeah you were amongst the audience who voted!" Sakura unnie said.

"That could mean..." Chaeyeon unnie said.

"Yeah I voted for one of you guys," Yeonjun said.

"What about the others?" I asked.

"We voted too," Kai said.

"Who did you guys vote for?" Wonyoung said.

"I voted for Yena," Soobin said.

"We all voted differently, I voted for Minju simply put how funny she is!" Beomgyu said making Minju feel embarassed.

"I chose the maknae!" Huening Kai said making Wonyoung jump happily.

"I... Chose Yujin..." Taehyun said.

"Oh you're so nice!" Yujin said making Taehyun flustered. That made me more curious about their relationship and how they know each other.

"What about you Yeonjun?" Chaeyeon asked.



"Oh it's not me?" Yena asked angrily and pouted.

"W-What? Of c-course I voted for y-you why else would I have not shouted your n-name back there?!"

"That would've been a good excuse if didn't know whenever you lie! You always stutter when you lie, how could you do this to me bro??" Yena said and Yeonjun started panicking. "Just tell me the truth did you vote someone else?"

"Y-Yes I am so sorry Yena..."

"Eh it's fine, I mean your heart told you who to vote for."


"You followed your feelings right? So..."

"Don't tell me..." Taehyun and Yujin said and glanced at me.

"Did you have any off camera interactions with them?" Hyewon asked. Yeonjun nodded narrowing it down to me, Minju, Nako, Yuri, and Yujin.

"We get our answer here! You've met this person before your own debut?" Sakura unnie said.

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