Making Peace (Hinata's POV)

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reading back on these chapters after like 2 years has me thinking god fucking damn i was funny as fuck holy shit why didn't anyone tell me i'm that god damn funny.


As i left our room, i felt a sense of pride. Like i was finally doing the right thing for once. I was sick and tired of pushing my emotions down. soon enough, i found myself at Kenmas door. I took a breath in before knocking quietly. i could hear some shuffling inside before the door swung open.

"oh, it's just shoyo!", kuro yelled back to the group as he opened the door. Inside the room, as expected, sat Kenma, Bokuto, and Akaashi. Kenma sat on the floor, not even looking up from his phone.

"Could Kenma come out here.." I said hesitantly. "I'd rather talk to him in private"

At this, Kenma finally looked up. Kuro nodded to him as Kenma finally got up, moving slowly towards the door. I could feel anxiety pooling up inside of me, but i tried my best to shove it back down.

Kenma didn't even say hello, just followed me out into the hall. He couldn't even look me in the eye.

"i'm sorry for being such a... bitch. I just, don't like you like that. I love us being friends. and that's all i wanna be", i spoke, putting my hands in my pockets. He looked up at me, staying silent for a while. For a second, i thought he was going to walk away, ignoring me for the rest of my life.

"it's fine.", he finally said, breaking the silence. i instantly felt relief. I looked down at my hands before looking up at Kenma.

"i like being friends with you aswell.. and i probably made things awkward."

i shrugged, telling him we could work through it, although i wasn't sure if i could. He was right, it was awkward. things just didn't feel the same.

"although we've made up, don't think we'll go easy on you guys today", he smirked. I instantly felt cold, remembering we had a match against them today. I raised my eyebrows a bit, giving him a weird smile before saying my goodbyes. As i turned, i saw Daichi and Tanaka at the end of the hall. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but as soon as they saw me they moved they're conversation somewhere more private. Whatever it was, it seemed more serious.

I made my way to the room, opening it to find that noya had already gotten all ready for the match.

"you excited to play your little friend there?", he said blankly, staring at his phone.

"kenna?" i replied beginning to get myself ready. i stared at the uniform in my hand, thinking about how this could be the last match we play here before going home, if we lost that is. which we won't.

I looked over to noya after i didn't get a response, and he just nodded slightly.

"they're pretty good. don't set low standards for them" i laughed quietly. He just rolled his eyes in response, and got up.

"i've gotta go talk to Tanaka", he said, gathering his thing and getting ready to leave. "i don't know how long it'll be? but if i have time i promise i'll come back here and walk to the courts with you", he smiled softly and somewhat longingly as he walked out the door.

it's gotta be about whatever i saw in the hall. it seems like there's something going on and i'd love to fucking know. as much as i thought about sneaking around to hear, i figured i'd find out soon anyway. the team is not very good about keeping secrets. well, except for me i guess.

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