demonstration (hinata's POV)

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tanaka, noya, and i walk into the gym finding the rest of the team waiting. suga greets us with a warm smile.

"hey guys!" he says, grabbing daichi's hand who's behind him causing him to blush. we all look down at the pairs joined hands and look back at eachother. suga looks down and noticed that they were holding hands. he quickly lets go and blushes, letting out a giggle.

"hi everyone!" i say cheerfully but nervously. i don't wanna be too suspicious, so no one suspects anything, but i've never played any tricks on anyone like we were about to do. tanaka and nishinoya hurriedly jump in to make sure i don't say anything else.

"let's hurry up and start so maybe we can end early" they both say, walking over to the balls. we all practice hard for hours. i look up at the clock to see there's 5 minutes left. okay. it's go time. noya trots up to me and grabs my wrist, pulling me to the corner.

"it's time" he says with a smirk. i blush, looking into his eyes. he's kinda... cute when he smirks like that. i shake my head nervously. in the background i can hear arguing, which causes us both to turn our head to check it out.

"BOKE! if you weren't so stupid you could've seen where you were going!" kageyama screams at tsukishima, who's clenching his fists until his knuckles are bright white.

"you idiot!! you should've seen me too" he argues back. kageyama pushes tsukishima, which makes daichi step in to pull him back. tsukishima jumps at kageyama, grabbing him out from daichi's grasp. he throws him against the wall, pinning him to it.

kageyama uses all his force to kick out tsukishima legs. tsukishima falls onto the floor and kageyama jumps on top of him.

"get off me you idiot!", he says shoving kageyama down. daichi, suga, and asahi immediately jump in the middle to try and break things up. me and noya watch, shocked. eventually, the fight is broken up. tanaka walks into the gym, missing the whole thing. he rushes over to us.

"what happened? i missed it but i could hear it from the club room". noya looks over at him and giggles.

"kageyama and tsukishima got in a fight!" he says.

"no way who won!!"

noya looks over at me as we both try to explain what happened. "let's demonstrate" he says to me. i nod.

"well tsukkishima went like this..." noya says as he grabs my shoulders and pins me against the wall. our faces are inches apart and i can't help but blush at the sight of him. he doesn't notice and i decide to continue. "and then kageyama did this!" i say, taking noya to the floor. the whole gym goes silent and i look up. why's everyone looking at us? i look down realising what's going on. i'm sitting on top of noya's lap, who's laying on the floor. my hands are pinning his wrists to the floor and we're face to face.

we both go a darker shade of red before i quickly climb off. "we uh- we're just demonstrating" i say out loud. the rest of the team silently looks away as suga calls the end of practice. everyone goes into the practice room to get their stuff, and tanaka drags me and noya by our wrists into the club room.

"you guys know what to do. make sure everyone's out except two people, then leave. i'll lock the doors."

we nod and head inside. everyone is getting there stuff and there is clearly tension from the fight that happened prior. as i pick up my stuff, i walk over to noya. "i'm sorry about that in the gym. i didn't realize how... that looked"

he looks up into my eyes and blushes before giving me a sweet smile. "no worries! it's all good!". his hair is down and in a middle part from sweating at practice, unlike how it normally is spiked up, and he brushes it out of his eyes. why does he look so cute like that. i was obviously too caught up in staring at nishinoya to hear the club room door close and lock.

we both jolt our heads to the door, realising what had happened. shit. we forgot to leave two people in here and then leave. and now WE'RE the two people locked in here.

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