locked pt.1 (Nishinoya's POV)

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"TANAKA. TANAKA", i yell panicked, pounding on the door. it's no use. i turn my back to the door and slide down it until i'm sitting against the door.

"well this backfired", the red haired boy says to me with his head in his hands. he try's banging on the door again but it's no use, everyone already left.

i sit on the floor, not able to catch my breath. the club room is small, and i'm extremely claustrophobic. i sit panicking when the small boy kneels down next to me.

"hey, hey what's wrong?" he says, trying to remove my hands from my face. i refuse to uncover my face, as i feel my eyes tearing up. my heart is pounding out of my chest.

hinata sits down next to me. "here", he says, taking my head in his lap. i'm too anxious to even notice. he runs a hand through my hair softly, looking down at me. the small hand caressing my face seems to calm me down, and i remove my hands to look up into the big brown eyes staring down at me. his freckles compliment his face, and he give a soft smile that makes me shiver.

he sits me up hugs me tight. i place my head into his neck feeling his warmth, making me forget about my fear.

"what's wrong, noya? you can talk to me if you want" he says innocently. i look away, silently. "i mean it, you can talk to me about anything".

i look back at him, thinking back to the situation. im stuck in a small room. in the dark. for an hour. my claustrophobia comes back to me and the walls seem to close in around me. i don't even notice that tears running down my cheeks.

"woah noya?? what's wrong you look scared. are you cr-" he stops. i look back at the wall. "it's embarrassing".

he places a hand on my leg. "what's embarrassing? i bet it's really not. you're just overthinking things". he tries to reassure me.

i look at the floor and play with my fingers. "i'm afraid...". i look up and lean my head back on the wall. "i'm afraid... of small spaces. it's embarrassing, and stupid". he takes one of my hands in his.

"no no that's nothing to be embarrassed about. i'm afraid of heights. like deathly afraid" he laughs. his smile is so cute. it makes me feel all warm inside. i shift a little at this, and look back up at him.

"we'll only be here for an hour it's okay. and you aren't alone either. let's just talk to try and take your mind off it". he always just tries to make everyone feel better, and i've never met someone like that.

"so, noya, tell me about your family". my family?

"they aren't really around much. so there isn't much to say. i live with just my mom, but she isn't around much. she leaves for work for weeks at a time, then comes home for a few days, then leaves again. so i usually just stay with Tanaka".

"i'm sorry. you can stay at my house any time you want. i live with my mom and sister. they go visit my grandma on the weekends tho so i stay home alone on the weekends. my mom is really great".

he really is just the most kind hearted person ever. my heart melts at his words, and the way his eyes light up when he talks about his family.

"what are some things you like to do besides volleyball?" i ask curiously. he doesn't really seem like the type of person to do much other than volleyball.

"i know it might sound cheesy and dumb, but i love looking at the sky and stuff. especially at night. i love astrology and the stars"

could he get any cuter- i stop myself and my thoughts, as i'm staring at him a little too long.

"that's not dumb!" i say breaking the silence.

"it's just so cool, how were so small and there's an ENTIRE universe we know nothing about. we're like a ti-", he continues rambling on, but i mostly zone it out staring at his smile and his eyes.

i zone back in when he asks me a question. "what about you?".

"i like to play video games a lot. me and tanaka play together all the time!"

"really? you should teach me how to play some of the games you like! since my mom is a single mom, we never had enough extra money to get any gaming systems"

i light up at that. "really?! i'll teach you how to play! you can come to my house some time and i'll show you. i have a whole game room!"

we continue talking for a long time before i check the clock. i grab hinata's shoulders. "it's been 3 HOURS HINATA. HE WAS SUPPOSE TO UNLOCK IT 2 HOURS AGO" i panic. hinata tries his best to calm me down.

i hug him tightly and smile wide. "thank you hinata" i whisper. "thank you for being such a good friend so far"

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