Chapter 32

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Hi there's smut in here!~R

Drews POV:

It's been a month of stealing kisses in secret with Olivia. We still haven't had sex and if I'm being honest this is the longest I've gone without it since I was 15.

It's not that I haven't wanted to, oh I wanted to. There just hasn't been an opportunity. I didn't realize just how much work teachers had to do until I started dating one. Every time I see her outside the club or school, she is grading papers or entering grades. It seems like it never ends.

We still haven't labeled anything. I know we are "together" but we haven't talked about what that means. Like are we girlfriends? Are we just "hanging out". Am I a rebound for her?

I didn't want to bring it up because everything is going so smooth. I think my mind set is "I'll take what I can get" because I'd rather sit and watch that beautiful woman grade papers then not see her at all.

I just pulled into my parking spot when someone ran up to my window and was knocking on it. I opened the door to get out.

"Is it me or are you being extra annoying this morning?" I asked Dani as he moved back to let me out.

"Well good morning grumpy. No! I just have news!"

"And what news is that?" I asked slinging my back pack over my right shoulder.

"I was talking to Roger last night and I decided I'm gonna try out for the spring musical." He said as we walked towards the school.

I laughed "really? That seems very........... out of your comfort zone."

"Well yeah..... so I was wondering if you'd try out with me." I stopped walking and stared at him.

"Uh...... n..." he covered my mouth with his hand before I could finish saying No.

"Before you answer just remember how I distracted your grandma all those times so you could sneak girls into your room." He let me go and we kept walking.

"I don't know the first thing about being in a play let alone a musical Anne." I shook my head as we walked in the door.

"I know that. But neither do I! It'll be fun. Please please please!" He begged.

"Fine. But if I'm doing it Carl has to try out too."

"Oh I can get the slut on board." He winked and gave me a sly grin. We continued walking to our lockers.

"How does your dad feel about this?"

He started laughing "you think I told my dad! You're funny."

"Well won't the play interfere with your daily football practices."

He shrugged "how about this. If I actually get a part in the play I'll tell him. By the way tryouts are after school today."

"What the fuck Dani. I don't even know what I'm supposed to do!"

"Just sing a song and read from the script. They said you can sing any song."

"Fuck you." I glared at him.

He kissed me on the cheek "love you."

I grabbed my books for the day from my locker and closed it. I turned around and leaned on my locker as Carli and Julie walked up.

"Hi Carli! We are trying out for the musical today!" Dani put his arm around my shoulder and grinned.

Carli leaned over clutching her stomach in a fit of laughter.

"Oh no no no Carli. You misunderstood him." She stood up wiping tears from her eyes and I walked over to her with Dani still on my shoulder. Dani and I pulled her into the hug with us. "WE are trying out for the musical."

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